Check out my band - Anabyss


Apr 11, 2006
I wasnt sure if I put this in the right place or not ...
But, attached is a torrent for a recent demo I recorded for my band, Anabyss.
I posted a couple of clips on here to get feedback on the mixes and people didnt find the music too bad so I figured I would post it up now that its done and see if anyone wants it.
Its just three tracks - theyre all up on myspace too - if you wanna check them out there instead..

This is also doubling as a rate my mix thread too as I have decided on these mixes as my final mixes and they have now been mastered too - let me know what you think. I imagine the level of the vocals will be considered as very quiet in parts - I really should have fixed that before mastering but I am literally out of time and am leaving the country tomorrow morning and needed it done now.

The torrent is HERE - hopefully it works.

Let me know what you think!