My band is doing an Opeth covers show!


Apr 11, 2006
Pretty stoked on this one - my band Anabyss got asked to do a covers show, only a 45-50 min set for $500. Originally we were going to do Sepultura, but that shit got boring pretty quickly. With Opeth being one of our main influences and one of my personal favourite bands, we decided to cover them!

Unfortunately with the 50 min set we can only do like.... 5 songs :P, which are (in order):

Heir Apparent
Serenity Painted Death
The Grand Conjuration

Im pretty fucking keen, I love playing covers!

If anyone is interested in hearing what my band normally sounds like, check out

The show isnt until September, but when it happens Ill be sure to try and get some videos and pics up, im going to shave off the sides of my moustache so I have a dirty jesus-like Akerfeldt 'tache. :D
I came into this thread thinking it was going to be a "so tell me what songs to cover" thread, and I was just going to say 'DO BLEAK OR PEOPLE WILL DIE!', but I see you're already on top of that. :)
yep +1 on starting with bleak, an awesome awesome song,i remember trying 2 cover it with a few mates wen i was a kid, and we got lost after about 6 minutes into the song :) good luck with it all mate
Yeah I would have loved to do the moor - you should have seen the original list of songs I wrote up... I managed to narrow it down to about 12 or so and made a playlist on itunes, ended up being like 2 hours :P

Yeah the 50 min set isnt up to us - as far as I know there are two or three covers bands playing that night. If the show goes well and we manage to learn everything properly Ill look at booking a few more shows with longer sets hopefully!