Check out my new song

Hey, this is pretty sweet. Like the other guy said, the production isn't great, but the riffs are dark and heavy... a lot moreso than your other stuff. The strings complement the guitars nicely. I hear a lot of Opeth influence on this jam... nice. You have a lot of potential, dude, I see good things for you 5-10 years down the road. I wish I had that kind of musical drive when I was your age... all I ever did was sit around and play video games all day. :lol:

You might try adding some (or more) reverb to the drums; they feel too dry. Also, if you're using separate samples for each kit element, you might try some compression and extra bass frequencies on the snares and kick drum, to give them a ballsier rock feel. If you're using a single sample for the whole kit, you can still try some compression, just use it conservatively or it might do funny things to the cymbals and hi-hats.
Thanks for the positive feedback.

Thornmoon - What exactly do you mean about a MIDI interface?

Arglebargle - Thanks for all the detail. The drums are mostly loops with all the highhats etc already there, so I can't mess with them too much. And LOL, I just downloaded Tribes Starsiege and both my musical and Game Maker projects are on hold because of it, so I'm back into video games I guess... My excuse is I don't want to start a new ACID file until we uninstall 3.0 and put in 4.
NoSoup4you said:
Thornmoon - What exactly do you mean about a MIDI interface?
I'm assuming here that you're a guitarist... What I was talking about was something like this:

You can use your guitar to trigger other sounds such as piano, etc... My guitarist uses one and it's proved to be a neat little tool!!

BTW, love the Seinfeld / Soup Nazi ID!! :headbang:
The thing is, for a solo musician who doesn't play live, it's probably a lot easier to program the synth sounds, rather than "play" them on the guitar and have to clean them up later in whatever sequencer he's using.

Just my opinion though.
Do you seriously want me to try vocals? So help me god I will, and you will not like it! :D Next thing I do will be a ballad, definitely, and I want to mess with some more string parts and orchestration.