Check out my song- Abuse


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
i rerecorded Abuse, it is now a completely different song wiht better quality, mixing and a little better playing. i kept the intro & intro solo the same, the riffs and solo are now different. it is mixed on both channels and with a little less hiss and noise.

Alahu Akbar is a rough draft of a song, that wants to have an arab feel. The intro, riffs and outro are recorded from the first take, the riffs are a little improvised with an phrygian dominant feel.
As about the solo in alahu akbar, what can i say, kerry king strikes again :lol: for the first half of the solo and then i do legatto and tapping based on D harmonic minor.
alahu akbar alahu akbar
abuse abuse
thanks for listening
i rerecorded abuse with different riffs and solo, just the intro and intro solos are the same. ANd posted a new song
check out the first post, i edited it.
for recording the alahu akbar song, the cia is gonna get me....:lol:
i will write lyrics for both songs and growl them when i get a mic. alahu akbar will be very anti religious fanaticsm.
P.S. I am working on a song about jesus camp