check out this band from ny


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY

hey guys. check out this band from ny: coerce(

this is the song that we just wrapped up in my studio. it's a single release that takes the band in a slightly different direction. we also recorded an ep for them in the spring and they decided to a single and go in a more commercial radioish direction both with the song and the production. we did out best to get it close to commercial.

comments/critique much appreciated. thanks.

ps - the band is really cool too. enjoy!

this is the final final master. it's on the music player on the bottom right of the page. ended up going through a bit of a mastering revision for less compression than the original i posted made drums pop out a bit more. the mix had healthy amounts of compression anyway and we felt the first mastering draft was too choked with comp so we had it backed down. the overall sound feels better. the song is called "roulette" in case it doesn't load or something. i think the music player is on autoload.