Check out this - Nevermoure a band that stole its name from Nevermore

Fucking pop rock "with an attitude"?

Holy shit...that's like a dick with wings...not possible!

Haha...they look like fuckin NSYNC...hahahahahahah
Ya know when SNL or Mad TV does the sketches parodying boy bands?Nevermoure are the sketches brought to life...especially the large guy in the orange coveralls w/the dark hair.I bet he's about 37.
Little pansy retards.
NoLordy is so mad that he's even insulting blindly!
I bet the fat one is MSC, too. and his three sisters.
The one in the red shirt HAS to be MSC, he looks like someone who lick dog-penises.
In my dreams I see them eventually listening to a Nevermore CD, realizing the error of their ways, deciding they can no longer live with themselves, and committing suicide...
I've never been one to support a band in pursuing legal action against another band over something like a name, but if I had the money, I'd pay to hire a dream team of attorneys to prosecute these losers!

Now Playing:

The sound of my blood boiling that has now completely drowned out the music that is normally playing in my head. (This is not cool...)

Here's the auto-response I got after I added something to their guestbook:

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Your message:

I strongly suggest that you change your name. Though, if you choose not to, don't think for a minute that you're displaying some sort of integrity...

you guys are fucking gay...they aren't ripping any name off anyone, so go fucking die you cock suckers, have you even heard any of their music?