Check out this rough track and lemme know what ya'll think.

Cool dude - I dig the riffz, though I'm not a big fan of the Norma Jean-esque dissonant one, though at least rhythmically it's not too breakdown-esque. ;) I don't wanna be too critical of the rhythm playing, cuz I'm sure it's just scratch tracks, but it sounds a little loose in some spots, and I hear A LOT of those "wick wick" noises when you slide up and down the strings that drive me INSAAANNNNEEEEE - something to pay attention to when tracking the final versions, I'd suggest :) (it's especially prominent in the riff with all the pinch harmonics)

And as for the solos, dude, my good god you can play - as you say, it's a rough canvas, so I assume the various off notes here and there will be remedied in the final version, but even with them the absurd speed and chops still come through, so mad props man. As always, I personally would suggest toning down the wankage and getting a bit more phrasing and melody in there, but there's some awesome ideas to be sure!

Mix wise, I feel the kick is a bit too clicky and the snare too low (though not in the blast beats). Guitar tone sounds good...for a 5150 ;) As for the music, though, I feel the riffs kinda go all over the place and don't really flow together that well - kinda reminds me of Into Eternity, going from like chugging grooves to Yngwie-esque soloing to brutal blast beating, a little too spastic for my tastes.
Ah, nevermind, make that Symphony X-esque soloing, THAT'S what that solo section really reminds me of...
Heh I actually thought that these 'wick wick' were there for a reason as a part of a riff, and I kinda actually liked it :D Awesome playing dude, but wheres da bass? The drums sound kinda vintage and thin but maybe it's because the lack of bass and its frequencies.

And dude, when Paul Gilbert's gonna get sick, I know who's gonna replace him on the gigs. (Hint: it's you! ;) )
Thanks for the responses.
As for the wick wicks. That's staying in cause I love that annoying shit, but a lot of it is getting lopped out later.
It's a bit sloppy joe cause I recorded as I wrote it so that's going to be remedied, and also the drums are being rerecorded by a real drummer so any shitty drummage will be remedied too. Bass will get done when my little brother learns the riffz.

As for the Wanksta... I was goin for the Romeo vibe. It'll prolly also get cleaned up a bit and maybe edited in spots but for the most part if it reinds of that I'm happy. haha .

Thanks for listening.