Check this one out!!!! weird scale

the oh sounds fake , the ride is alot more high then the rest of the oh ..
in addition there isnt wramth and bass in this mix , I dont get the in-your-face-bass sound and I wanna hear it more

but overall sounds good , tho sounds like every metalcore/hardcore sound
Sounds pretty genericore to me. The tone is alright for the style I guess, got that "tact" vibe.
haha alright, thanks for the FB guys. I will add more warmth, which I know what to do exactly with that...and for some reason I have been on writers block for ever now...can't seem to write anything. The symbals are being replaced because my cymbals on my kit cause everything to sound kinda takes up room and makes everyting else fall under. I tried hi-passing and hollowing it out....but nothing.