Just finished mixing this. Critique the S**T out of it!


New Metal Member
Apr 12, 2011

Unfortunately the musicians i worked with didnt have that great of guitar amps, and i dont have the best drum mics either. so...

The Guitars were recorded with a single 57.
Bass was direct in with bass cab impulses.
Drums were Samson mics on toms, kick, OH, and snare TOP. I used a 57on the bottom. Nothing is replaced because i dont even know how.
Vocals were recorded with a 57 as well. They were done in one take to keep it "real" sounding.

I used Sound Toys Decapitator on the vocals, so that is why they are like that.
This band is trying to go for a The Chariot sound, very raw and in your face, so if you dont know who they are you might wanna listen to get an idea of what i mean.

Please tell me what you think, i need some constructive criticism... or just criticism! SO LET IT RIP!!!
you gotta try to bring some more highs out in everything except the vocals. this sounds like it could be stellar and raaaaw.