check this out...

Hehe, dont worry about misanthrope. He is part troll.

The only reason i reply is because i like discussing music. Things like that help me figure out my own musical opinions a bit better.
Misanthrope's argument that motW is pretentious is pretty funny in the context of the motW board, especially considering that four motW members are the ones contributing most of the unclassy stuff. :)

I would say that this is one of the LEAST pretentious boards (and kind of therefore bands) on UM, in fact.

pretentious? he acts like he knows the band. (he obviously doesn't visit the board.)

anyways...guess he doesn't understand that some people/bands don't always want consistency.

you jerks need to stop being different, it makes the music difficult\\+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++to listen to. haha. oh btw, the plus signs are from my cat...he likes the intarweb too!