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Nails or Flippers..?
Feb 14, 2002
U.S. Georgia
I made my own record of the chorus part to 'You're Better Off Dead!'. I played both guitar parts but I made the keyboard and drum tracks using MIDI.

I still need some practice on the lead guitar part. It's a little sloppy. I'm so excited to actually be playing something this cool on my guitar that I had to post the recording :)

Click here to listen.
Thanks :) Yeah the sweeping part is very hard. 3 of the sweeping licks have fret tapping at the end of them which also complicates it. I've been practicing it at a slower tempo since I posted it here. I think I'm getting better at it. I think a few of the notes that are in between the sweep picking parts are wrong too. I'm going to have to listen to it again to check.

I just read your reply on the Jackson forum. Yeah that riff is interesting. I would like to know how alexi comes up with this stuff. The only thing that sounds somewhat close to this riff is the intro to 'towards dead end' I think it is.
Hum, what are the "sweeping licks" ? The part that looks like waves, or bumps, in the guitar pro tab ?

You play it very well, but as you said it looks like some notes are wrong, the tab I have found doesn't sounds the same.
The sweeping licks are the parts that are one-note-per-string. Instead of alternate picking them you glide your pick up the strings.

I think I know what guitar pro tab you're talking about. Most of it is wrong. Alot of the leads on that tab go out of key with the actuall song but it doesnt sound like it because the rythm stays in key with it on the tab. I learned those riffs from this tab at first but when I played along with the song it was out of key. So I ended up tabbing it myself. The way that tab has the sweep picking parts seems almost impossible to play to. I moved alot of the notes to a different part of the fretboard but added some fret-tapping to get to the higher notes. I imagine that's how alexi does it.
hrmmm.... I loaded up ybod in cool edit pro and played it at half speed... then I played along with it at that slower speed. The way that I am playing it sounds 'exactly' the same as what alexi plays when I'm playing along.. but when I make my own recording it sounds different. So I'm not sure if my ears are off or what. I do know that the intonation on this shitty guitar is off though so that might effect it. But even in the guitar pro tab it doesnt sound exactly the same. Maybe somebody can figure out what is wrong with it. I posted my version of the tab a few messages up.
Originally posted by chainek

I still need some practice on the lead guitar part. It's a little sloppy. I'm so excited to actually be playing something this cool on my guitar that I had to post the recording :)

Click here to listen.

I have 3 questions:

1.What kind of MIDIprogram do you have?Sounds good.
2.What is your guitar like?Jackson maybe?
3.How long have you played guitar?

Goddamnit,I suck at guitar !
:mad: :(
I use a program called 'Guitar Pro' for midi. You can tab in whatever you want and it plays it back in midi. You can add as many tracks as you want too. I have an external midi synthesizer to play the midi though. Any midi playback on a soundcard is going to suck. It's the Roland JV-1010. The instruments sound damn near real on it.

My guitar is actually a piece of shit. It's an Epiphone. It's missing pieces and falling apart. The only thing that's holding it together is duct tape. I play it through a Line 6 Pod Pro rackmount.
(i was suppose to have a Jackson last week but they fucked up my order. I ordered a lefty soloist over 3 months ago and when it came in it was right-handed.. so now I don't know when i'm going to get it)

I've played guitar for 6 years now. I average about 5 hours of practice per day. If my guitar was to quit working I would turn suicidal. :lol:
Thanks :) It definatly needs some work. I didn't realize how bad my sweep picking was when I first recorded it. I'm not sure If I ever will be able to play it perfectly. It's really really really really really hard. The fret tapping kind of blurs the notes together on some parts too which makes it not sound very crisp and clear. I might have to try playing it a different way but It will probably be harder the other way.
hey dude that sounds awesome! how exactly do you do the sweeping?? i downloaded your tab and have been practicing...i cant get the sweeping parts to sound remotley like the song..