Check this

Last but not least : the amp master volume was at noon and the channel volume as well
Ha anyway the kick was totally replaced, I took a good hit from the kick track and played together with my kick and made a new sample just to have something different to use.
While the snare is 50/50 replaced with the original track.
finally listened to all.

production is killer. china-type cymbol may be a bit much in some parts (too loud). bell wasn't loud like I previously thought. guitars and drums sounded great. vox seemed to work well too.

music-wise, entertaining. breakdowns became a bit...predictable. not sure if I could handle a whole album of similar-formula songs. really dug the lower growl/death vox. I need to read through the thread and see how you did those - if it's not in there - how'd you do them?
sounds really great

they totally ripped off that classical "O Fortuna" song from Carmina Burana with the intro on the first song though - dont know if anyone else has noticed this? or if it was intentional?

anyways real good production
Pretty good, but at times when the bass and guitar is playing at the same time it gets kinda muddy.
sounds really great

they totally ripped off that classical "O Fortuna" song from Carmina Burana with the intro on the first song though - dont know if anyone else has noticed this? or if it was intentional?

anyways real good production

that was intentional dude, hellou....:Smug: :lol: