6505 Vs. PodXT

I first listened to it with my hi-fi speakers and I thought clip 1 sounded best.
But when I listned to it with my headphones the second clip sounded much better and more alive. Guitarport on clip 1 aight?
no ... I was talking about the movie.
I love Crimson Tide with Gene Hackman.
It was good ...


Roll Tide ... very common thing to say in the middle of a Metal forum ... everybody is doing it ... somewhere other than here.
Roll Tide ....

See ... everybody is doin' it!
Especially on Metal forums!!

now let's do the Cabbage Patch


OK, results time. Most of you guessed right, gearbox was clip 1, clip 2 was 5150.

Gearbox was the Bogner Uberschall Model through mesa cab. The low end was the biggest difference for me, but had I processed it in the mix I think I could have got even closer. Glad you liked the tones!