checking in, checkin it out!


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
I was checking out all the other message boards in the forum and ran across this one! Wachtower is one of my biggest influences! I just wanted to see who all the other fans are out there!
I'm looking forward to hearing the Mathmatics album...assuming they are still going to release it.

Our drummer just bought Control & Resistance, even though he has known of Wathctower and had a vidoe of the song the eldrige on a Noise records comp VHS, He feels he's missed out! It kicked his ass!

this is a band that truly shows integrity and musicianship in all it's glory.

I just noticed that posts by Jimbobhicksville? your from Provo???
I'm in Salt Lake!!!! what a small world!

Salt Lake, eh? That's pretty sweet. I don't know any other metalheads around here. There was one guy from somewhere near Logan that used to post on the Nevermore board, but that was it. Glad to see someone else in Utah has good taste in music :) Btw, Mathematics will be released, but who knows when. It is all written, but the band is rehearsing and tweaking the music before they record it. It might be released this year; we can all hope.

unfortunatly, we don't have any full-lenght versions of the songs to download. :cry:
But if you go to URL=]progged radio[/URL] you can request all our songs there.
we'll probably have full lenght downloads once our new webmaster, Deron belvin (webmaster for progpower 3.0, D.C. Cooper, reading zero)) finishes redesigning our website. He's awsome!

BTW, if your even down in Salt Lkae, let me know!

wishing the Olympics were already over!
no kidding. I'm already sick of the olympics and they haven't even started. I'm not sure when I'm going to Salt Lake next, but it's only like 40 minutes from here, so making a trip isn't that big a deal. That said, it'll probably be after the olympics are done 'cause traffic is gonna be a nightmare until then.

BTW, are there any CD stores in Salt Lake where I could find some rare metal CDs? There definitely aren't any down here. I've been trying to find a few CDs with no luck (e.g. Watchtower "Energetic Disassembly").

Let me know if you know of any.

There are only a few that have a good selection of CD's. Media Play has a large selection but are very selective on titles. The ever famous Heavy Metal shop down town SOMETIMES has some good stuff...but a majority of the time the selection is small.
my personal fav is Starbound records in West Valley. It's 5 min. from my house and has A LOT of rare and hard to find Metal bands. they also carry a lot of the popular proggresive/power metal bands there. including ours!

I personaly do most of my CD shopping online. :spin:

once the olympics are over, you'll have to got to Starbound and look around!
Add another to the list of Utah metal heads. I've been
waiting forever for a good forum for this kind of music.
and I defineatly think you guys (Katagory V) have a very
cool direction, we really need more good prog-metal bands
out here. Waiting patiently for new Watchtower, Spastic Ink,
Spiral Architect, Zero Hour etc......
whats up Marc!
this blows my mind that there are more prog metalfans in Utah besides the guys in our band!
Zero Hour, Spiral Arcitect...your naming but a few of the coolest prog metal bands out there! I think Jasun and Troy from Zero Hour will be impressed when i tell them that there are more fans of theirs here!
this might encourage them to come and play here.
If we ever play a show here in Utah in the near future...I hope to see you guys there!

If not, maybe you can drop by the studio....

eating lunch....
Towers of Avarice is amazing; I'm about to get the S/T, too. If they played UT, I'd be there. SA is awesome, too. I was so pissed when I read their new CD probably wouldn't be done this year. If your band (Katagory V) does a concert, post about it here or PM me. I'd be up for that. I haven't been to a metal concert for a long time (last one was Pantera on the Vulgar Display of Power tour). Maybe y'all and Zero Hour could get together on one :)
I'll defineatly round up a few folks if we could make that happen, like I said earlier we desperately need some of that stuff coming our way!
It would be kick-ass for us to play with Zero Hour! I have been told by a few people to approach them on the Idea but haven't done so yet. :p
If for some reason I do contact Jasun or Troy and they would more than likely be in California (there home state). It would be awsome to drag them out here! But I doubt both bands could afford to have them (Zero Hour) here unless we knew we could draw a crowd. It's Expensive as hell, especially when everyone works day jobs and has a mortgage to pay. Bu I'd be willing to give it a shot! the worst they could say is "NO!"
The last few times we played we advertised and posted stuff and nobody showed up for our shows....probably because tour gigs were on weekdays at 11:30 at night! :mad:
were working on changing that.....hopefully people here in Utah can start spreading the word about us.