Chevelle's Bass Tone


Huge Member
Aug 29, 2006
Does anyone have any insight as to how the bass was recorded on Chevelle's Vena Sera album? Signal chain, effects, etc.
Every Chevelle song I've hard has had awesome production. The actual music on the other hand is not exactly my cup of tea. Don't have info for you, sorry.
Frick. I forgot how much I enjoyed this CD. That bass growl is great.

I wouldn't be surprised if they duplicated the bass tracks at least once if not twice, EQed the low clean and then distorted the tracks that had a higher EQ. It really does have the low end solid foundation that is needed but a clarity in the notes and then a nice growl.
Very typical nu-metal bass tone that every band was rockin in the late 90's/early 00's. I believe the trick is to blend in quite a lot of the DI to get the honky mids back in the mix, so you get that 'snarl'. Was a huge part of the nu metal sound, the guitars actually did fuck all :lol:
Love this band, and the bass tone is just as monstrous live. Pretty textbook Mesa bass amps and a Sansamp on the older stuff, newer stuff was an SVT + fridge rig but Joe's not in the band anymore.