Chicago Christian Band In Need Of Lead Singer

PsychoChild said:
You Dont Believe But Many People Like You Believe The Devil How Can You Believe Him And Not God. But Whatever Man

You know...just because God kicked the devil out...well why does that make him evil? Doesn't it just make God really jealous? Seems like God did his own share of screwy stuff to people, I mean Job? Sucks to be that guy! Then the flooding and the fire and the retribution, plus the big fight at the end where pretty much everyone dies. Really now, shouldn't God be getting the bad reputation here?

Satan is more like Prometheus then some evil figure, he defied God, how cool is that. We lost eden, but how would 6 billion people fit in eden anyway! Eventually we would have had to leave, why not make it sooner AND get knowledge of bad stuff and good stuff out of it! Which i'm not sure happened anyway, since we tend to do lots of bad stuff while thinking it fact...good stuff. And besides Eden is what, present day Iraq? Not exactly beachfront in Malibu, where, I might add, you can drink a sex on the beach while having sex on the beach, and singing love songs to satan. He likes those....lots.
fadingessence said:
You know...just because God kicked the devil out...well why does that make him evil? Doesn't it just make God really jealous? Seems like God did his own share of screwy stuff to people, I mean Job? Sucks to be that guy! Then the flooding and the fire and the retribution, plus the big fight at the end where pretty much everyone dies. Really now, shouldn't God be getting the bad reputation here?

Satan is more like Prometheus then some evil figure, he defied God, how cool is that. We lost eden, but how would 6 billion people fit in eden anyway! Eventually we would have had to leave, why not make it sooner AND get knowledge of bad stuff and good stuff out of it! Which i'm not sure happened anyway, since we tend to do lots of bad stuff while thinking it fact...good stuff. And besides Eden is what, present day Iraq? Not exactly beachfront in Malibu, where, I might add, you can drink a sex on the beach while having sex on the beach, and singing love songs to satan. He likes those....lots.

Whats funny to me is that you think you know what you're talking about. Satan challenged God, he tried to usurp God's throne. How STUPID is that? What could give an angel the idea that he could possibly overthrow the immortal creator? That's not "cool", its selfishly ridiculous.

God does bad things to people? Did you ever think they bring things on themselves? Did you ever think people deserve consequences and punishments to learn from their mistakes? Job's faith was tested, and when he succeeded in surviving the trials, God blessed him with DOUBLE what he had before. Oh yeah, that must suck. :Smug: Don't talk about what you don't understand.
TaylorC said:
God does bad things to people? Did you ever think they bring things on themselves? Did you ever think people deserve consequences and punishments to learn from their mistakes? Job's faith was tested, and when he succeeded in surviving the trials, God blessed him with DOUBLE what he had before. Oh yeah, that must suck. :Smug: Don't talk about what you don't understand.

Well, if god is so good, why does he let bad things happen?

He doesn't, there is no gods or devils, we are this way due to evolution.
We were at one point single cells roaming ponds on the earth and with the correct conditions, we adapted and became multi-cellular oganisms and evolved over missions of years.
Evolution is occuring in EVERYTHING.
God didn't set shit off. Evilution is natural.

Fuck God, Fuck Satan, Fuck Organized Religion.
Also, people seem to be under the misconception that we have stopped evolving, not so.
In 2million years, humans as we know it wont exist, if the earth at all even does.
So dude, stop making fag rock and form a real band.
NeedledWarheart said:
Well, if god is so good, why does he let bad things happen?

He doesn't, there is no gods or devils, we are this way due to evolution.
We were at one point single cells roaming ponds on the earth and with the correct conditions, we adapted and became multi-cellular oganisms and evolved over missions of years.
Evolution is occuring in EVERYTHING.
God didn't set shit off. Evilution is natural.

Fuck God, Fuck Satan, Fuck Organized Religion.

:cool: I love you needled. :cool:

every generation evolves. Grows to fit an environment better than the last.
NeedledWarheart said:
Also, people seem to be under the misconception that we have stopped evolving, not so.
In 2million years, humans as we know it wont exist, if the earth at all even does.
So dude, stop making fag rock and form a real band.
As much as I'd like to believe in the whole evolution thing... If we evolved from single cell organillies(my own word) and then apes... How come apes and such arent turning into people now?
NeedledWarheart said:
Also, people seem to be under the misconception that we have stopped evolving, not so.
In 2million years, humans as we know it wont exist, if the earth at all even does.
So dude, stop making fag rock and form a real band.
Well, anyone with a decent knowledge of biology will realise 90% of evilution happens in Meiosis, the formation of gametes (Sex Cells, sperm/egg).
95% of these evolutions are fatal, but due to Translocation (genes moving from a strand of DNA to another part), Insertation (more gene info is inserted), Deletion (Gene info is lost) etc....

This is how evolution occurs, and this happens nearly all teh time during fertilisation, thats how variation within a species occurs.
When these species get separated and are trapped within one area (like finches on the galapogas islands) then have to adapt to their surrouindings (Bigger beaks, longer wings etc).
These then become new variations within one species.

And for the monkey thing.

We were apes, but not gorilla apes etc.
That is an example of variation.
Notice its not jsut one species of monkey?
You have the whole ape family.
Which is also why we have blacks, whites, asians, etc.
Variations within a species.
Interbreeding also does this.

so stop arguing with evolution theory.
Evolution is just changing to adapt to your surroundings.
Evolution does not have to be physical/visible.
Evolution can be mental.
Imagine you go from a total rich persons house where you are waited on hand and foot, never doing anything for yourself to ann island in the middle of the pacific ocean with nothing but a tree.
You have to hunt for food to survive and so, by any means possible, you will find food in order to survive.
This is evolution within a mindset that you have had to evolve to adapt to your surroundings.

Face it dude, we evolve, dude, old humans ("Monkeys") weren't like gorillas and stuff, we were jsut smaller hunch backed, uglier versions of us with more body hair than a scottish girl.
We shed the hair, straightened our backs and became better at hunting out pray, developing speed and wit to our catch your food.

Think, cavemen hunted antelope with spears, we are sitting on computers communicating via the WWW tomother people thousands of miles away?
Isn't that a sign of evolution?
NeedledWarheart said:
Face it dude, we evolve, dude, old humans ("Monkeys") weren't like gorillas and stuff, we were jsut smaller hunch backed, uglier versions of us with more body hair than a scottish girl.
We shed the hair, straightened our backs and became better at hunting out pray, developing speed and wit to our catch your food.

I'm still hairy as fuck, you calling me un-evolved???
Hahaha, I love this thread!
First it was about some crappy christian band..., what was there name again... oh well, then a wholesome bible story of satan and god/religion, evolution, and now badgers! It have everything but a flying elephant bus with a monkey driver on route to chicago to meet that crapy christian band, of whose name I can't remember...
Well one can dream...