Chicago Hts. Show!


Feb 21, 2003
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Awesome show lastnight! Kind of a strange place for Anthrax to play,but they put on their usual,kick-ass show. It was pretty much the same set list that has been posted,but they did "Whole Lotta Rosie" for an encore. Got to meet some of the guys after the show(Rob,Charlie & Scott) and they were super nice. Scott and Charlie signed my S.O.D. shirt,so I'll have to find Billy and Danny to sign it next. My voice is shot from screaming, NFL,ONLY and AN-TI-SO-CIAL! Thanx guys for a great night!
Yes most definitly good show, then again every time i've seen Anthrax they've always been one of the best live shows. It was nice to seem them in a small venue though =D
SafeHomey said:
Awesome show lastnight! Kind of a strange place for Anthrax to play,but they put on their usual,kick-ass show. It was pretty much the same set list that has been posted,but they did "Whole Lotta Rosie" for an encore. Got to meet some of the guys after the show(Rob,Charlie & Scott) and they were super nice. Scott and Charlie signed my S.O.D. shirt,so I'll have to find Billy and Danny to sign it next. My voice is shot from screaming, NFL,ONLY and AN-TI-SO-CIAL! Thanx guys for a great night!

Awsome dude, If I knew that was you would have bought you a beer. It was the White I'm Not racists I Hate everyone shirt right?.. I was standing next to you when Scott was over in the corner signing it for you. Oh well better luck next time.. or whatever..
Thanx Buddy! I'll catch that brew at the next ,Thrax show. I wish I had a camera to get some pix with the guys. My wife was gonna go get a cheap one at Walgreen's,but security said if she went out that she couldn't get back in. Thanks for nothin',assholes! Anyway,I gotta hang that shirt on the wall. Shit,I can't wear it anymore!