Chicago Posse - WT / Amaranthe - Question...

Jeremy Ray

Vocalist - InnerSiege
Apr 25, 2011
Peoria, IL
Metal Greetings Chicago Posse !

So, Im taking my lady to see WT and Amaranthe and I am wondering if it is safer to drive all the way through to the venue and risk the toss up for parking or take the Metro from Forest Park ( blue line ) to the loop, change over at Jackson and take the Red to Belmont.

Any thoughts ?

Thanks !


You can find parking if you're ok paying a hefty fee for it. You can find street parking if you're ok hanging out at a bar 'till 8pm so you can feed the meter for the 2 hr limit 'till 10pm when you don't have to pay for meters anymore but you'll be missing the opening act. You might get lucky and find other kind of free parking but I highly doubt it.

Don't get on the Blue Line. There are a couple of stations closed and they are hauling people in between them in buses and it's a complete pain in the ass. You can see it all here.

Just drive and pay for parking.

Added some parking spots: