Chicago setlist (04.16.04)


Lt. Horatio Caine
Jun 20, 2003
Here's what they played...they snuck a few different ones in there!

Inferno (Unleash the Fire)
Church of the Machine
Communion and the Oracle
Of Sins and Shadows

They sounded excellent, and for once, I could hear Pinnella! However, the people towards the back of the room could only hear Lepond and Rullo's kick drum.

I can't make it to the show tomorrow night, so can someone fill me in on the set after the show?
cool songs, ain't nothing new....but MAN, that set list is too short....i dunno if i wanna go tomorrow to see them and pay $40 for that.....i mean i like Queensryche also....but thats a lot of money for the band i want to see, and only get 30-40minutes to play....i'll quit my bit*hing now....i'll decide tomorrow if i wanna go and ill post what they play
MorphineChild205 said:
Here's what they played...they snuck a few different ones in there!

Inferno (Unleash the Fire)
Church of the Machine
Communion and the Oracle
Of Sins and Shadows

They sounded excellent, and for once, I could hear Pinnella! However, the people towards the back of the room could only hear Lepond and Rullo's kick drum.

I can't make it to the show tomorrow night, so can someone fill me in on the set after the show?

Is it just me, or is that an even shorter set than they got on the Blind Guardian tour?

actually it sounded kinda awkward, but when the piano solo came in...whoa dude. Pinnella fucking owns. Russ sounded so good, and Romeo was a total shred fest. Kick ass! Short set indeed, only like 40 mins.

MorphineChild, I take it you didn't stay for QR. Their show was meh until they busted out almost all of Mindcrime. That's the only album of theirs I know, and yeah it was cool. I'm thinking I won't stay for them tomorrow though. Just SymX. I'm so freakin tired.....

Oh yeah, as for the reaction from QR fans, they really seemed to like them, which is great. I was eavesdropping on people before the show, and QR fans that had heard some of SymX before hand said good things to those who hadn't. Very cool.
The Metal Chick said:

actually it sounded kinda awkward, but when the piano solo came in...whoa dude. Pinnella fucking owns. Russ sounded so good, and Romeo was a total shred fest. Kick ass! Short set indeed, only like 40 mins.

MorphineChild, I take it you didn't stay for QR. Their show was meh until they busted out almost all of Mindcrime. That's the only album of theirs I know, and yeah it was cool. I'm thinking I won't stay for them tomorrow though. Just SymX. I'm so freakin tired.....

Yeah, I had to leave after Symphony X was done. It was short, but hey...I loved Church of the Machine and Awakenings! Nice surprises! Maybe they'll mix their set up a bit tomorrow night.

I was right about them playing Awakenings, though - the Queensryche fans LOVED it. Actually, after Inferno was over, I heard a couple of 'ryche fans behind me saying "Wow, these guys rock!"

This was the best I've ever heard the band - except for Romeo. Was it just me, or did he completely miss a solo and a half in Awakenings (right before the heavy verses)?

I saw Queensryche once - last year with Dream Theater. I wasn't TOO fond of them, but they were pretty good. I've only heard a few songs of theirs (studio-wise), but everyone's been on my back about checking out Operation: Mindcrime. So I think I'll take the time to do so sometime over the next few months.
Oh yeah, as for the reaction from QR fans, they really seemed to like them, which is great. I was eavesdropping on people before the show, and QR fans that had heard some of SymX before hand said good things to those who hadn't. Very cool.

MorphineChild205 said:
This was the best I've ever heard the band - except for Romeo. Was it just me, or did he completely miss a solo and a half in Awakenings (right before the heavy verses)?

Awakenings itself sounded kinda messed up to me, except Pinnella's solo. It was almost like they were playing it in a different key or something because the vocal lines in the chorus sounded different, and everything else seemed off beat. I don't know. I'm still glad they played it because it's my all time favorite song. You know, I did notice Romeo missed a solo in Inferno I he missed the note and just started shredding the rest of it. Pretty funny. You could tell by his face that he screwed it up. But only the handful of us diehards would know ;)

Oh man, I hope they switch it up a bit least one different song. Please!
forestofoctober1 said:
cool songs, ain't nothing new....but MAN, that set list is too short....i dunno if i wanna go tomorrow to see them and pay $40 for that.....i mean i like Queensryche also....but thats a lot of money for the band i want to see, and only get 30-40minutes to play....i'll quit my bit*hing now....i'll decide tomorrow if i wanna go and ill post what they play
That's why I didn't go Thursday.