Children Of Bodom Easter Bunny Carrots!!!

CliffBurton said:
oh yeah?

Well, bit of a long story, but I think I can top you in lameness.

My friend and I wer talking on msn about naming out band, and we foudn it to be a bit difficult. So I jokingly said "just take something normal and put an evil adjective in front". My friend, being hungy, said somthing like "Demise Pie", or somthing like that. We went on for a while, and created somthing we now call "Baked goods and evil things" joke, because for about 20 minutes it was non stop, Corpse Cupcakes, Necro-Croisant, and Flesh Rotting Shortbread.

We went on further, and he recently purchesd Hate Crew Deathroll. So pretty much out of nowhere he said...

"Children of Brocoli's smash hit Aspagus Don't Kill, off of the new album Beef Stew Breadbowl!!!!"

So as for lameness, I think me and my freind win.

That's what you call 'King Purple Rainbowesque..."

So not really, but I appreciate you guys for being influenced by my silly humour!!! :lol:
PanzerKunt said:
the two most annoying things on this board except lanterns and joonas is the picture in your avatar and that you always write what you're listening to.
we dont care

Yeah agreed, and Profanity. I dont find Joonas all that annoying. I can think of better fucktards.
PanzerKunt said:
the two most annoying things on this board except lanterns and joonas is the picture in your avatar and that you always write what you're listening to.
we dont care

Oh yea, that's right, you haven't been here long enough to have made the "NP" thing a habit.

You don't like it? Ignore it like how I ignore Thomas' horrible leather pants.

NP: Seven Witches - Metal Tyrant