Children of Bodom reviews on SonicDeath

Um, sorry, there isn't a review of Something Wild on there...I could have sworn there was...damn, ah well, it's a kick arse album, how about that for a review, hehe.

I'd better do that one myself I think!
Nah, but if somebody who shares similar tastes and opinions to you has comments on an album, its usually a good pointer.

I can draw my own conclusions from a review, I don't just read the reviews as good or bad.

A good review should tell you enough about an album for you to make your own mind up, as well as giving the reviewers own general opinion.
I checked it out and it seems that most of the reviews are in style "I didn´t like this, cause I´m a shithead". Couldn´t agree more then maximum 30% at those ~10 reviews I checked out.:err:
Originally posted by Hellion
Besides, majority of the reviews on the site are positive ones, what ones were you looking at, or are you just pissed cause Follow The Reaper got an average review?
Well first I checked those bodom reviews(BTW:didn´t you say there was 3 reviews for CoB?Couldn´t find more then 2). I was a bit anoyed when I read those. Then the Sinergy review, only 3 good songs on the album, hmm....:err:
There was some other reviews too I didn´t agree with, but mainly the site was OK.
Originally posted by Suatana

Well first I checked those bodom reviews(BTW:didn´t you say there was 3 reviews for CoB?Couldn´t find more then 2). I was a bit anoyed when I read those. Then the Sinergy review, only 3 good songs on the album, hmm....:err:
There was some other reviews too I didn´t agree with, but mainly the site was OK.

Well, you are entitled to your opinions on the album obviously. I agree with the FtR review completely, it's by no means bad, but IMHO it tends to drag and get samey in the middle. If I dig out a CoB album, it's far more likely to be SW or Hatebreeder, both awesome albums...Hatebreeder is one of few albums that has made my jaw drop on first listen.

I made a mistake and said in my second post that Something Wild wasn't on I plan to do it myself.

And do you not like Hatebreeder, because it gets a good review on SonicDeath. I mean, "If you like melodic metal delivered with excellent musicianship and can stomach harsh vocals then this really is a treat. I recommend this CD wholeheartedly to those looking for something over the top and just downright enjoyable." Perhaps being a bit presumptious here, but based on comments I've read on here before, is it because they were described as power metal? You don't think there is a strong power metal sound on the album? Interesting.

Or did you not like "excessive cheese and fretwank" - that wasn't meant to be a negative comment! Cheese rules! Or perhaps you just didn't like the comments on the lyrics. I rarely take notice of lyrics anyway so I have no opinion either way.

Perhaps I'm going off on a tangent here and you just don't like Hatebreed, but I thought most fans considered it their best. I know I do! And I'm really looking forward to reviewing the best live album I've heard, TW...

Anyway, that's all one reviewer, check out a few of mine, I haven't done as many, but I'm generally very positive. Check out my Rhapsody and Soilwork reviews. :)

And I can't comment on Sinergy, I don't have the album, but remember, a review is just one person's opinion! It was your "I didn´t like this, cause I´m a shithead" comment that caused me to respond, thats all.
And sorry if I've been snappy, I've been a bit pissed off in the past day, I hung around the In Flames forum way to much last night...boy does it suck to be somebody who actually LIKES the new In Flames album (ie me).
I say: reviews are the stupidest fuckin things on the planet (most of the time) because most reviewers rate things depending on their mood instead of just truly listening to the music. Most people listen to music differently depending on the genre; they're expectations change because of a meaningless word. The reviewer on that site said FtR was SPEED METAL... :rolleyes: maybe if he just realized it was POWER METAL, or didn't even think of genres and just enjoyed it, he would have thought differently. You can't expect a band to stay the same... and him saying they've 'burnt out'? WTF? They're more talented at playing and songwriting then ever... and his comment about the songs being lethargic just makes me hate him personally. :)

I like any talented and (at least somewhat) unique music... if you think FtR sounds 'samey' maybe you need to sit down and listen again. No two songs on that album are alike. No two CoB songs are alike, period.

I'm sorry if I'm snappy, I hate it when people who don't know what they're doing judge things. :(
Originally posted by Stun
I say: reviews are the stupidest fuckin things on the planet (most of the time) because most reviewers rate things depending on their mood instead of just truly listening to the music. Most people listen to music differently depending on the genre; they're expectations change because of a meaningless word. The reviewer on that site said FtR was SPEED METAL... :rolleyes: maybe if he just realized it was POWER METAL, or didn't even think of genres and just enjoyed it, he would have thought differently. You can't expect a band to stay the same... and him saying they've 'burnt out'? WTF? They're more talented at playing and songwriting then ever... and his comment about the songs being lethargic just makes me hate him personally. :)

I like any talented and (at least somewhat) unique music... if you think FtR sounds 'samey' maybe you need to sit down and listen again. No two songs on that album are alike. No two CoB songs are alike, period.

I'm sorry if I'm snappy, I hate it when people who don't know what they're doing judge things. :(

Look, that's your opinion, but it doesn't make the reviewers opinion wrong either. If he just said "I enjoy this album", then what would be the point in that? Doesn't tell anybody anything...I think perhaps you are the one that is looking at this from only one perspective...perhaps if you looked at it from the point of view of somebody who has never heard Children of Bodom, you would realise that being more descriptive serves more purpose. There certainly is a mixture of power and speed metal on Follow The Reaper, and when I say samey, I mean samey, and I don't need to listen to it again, I've heard it plenty of times, and I've had the album a while now!

But I didn't mean samey across the album, I meant across all three. Children of Bodom do very little that is new and original on FtR, and I think that they have become somewhat tired. There is only so much you can do with a sound like CoB's, before you need to try and take it in other directions. CoB did not do this with FtR, and I think the album suffers. I'm left with a "heard this all before" feeling when I listen to it, and I'd much rather dig out Hatebreeder or Something Wild, when, IMO, they were doing it better.

OK, you disagree with the review, but you seem to be going to an awful lot of trouble to find excuses as to why the review isn't to your liking..."[not] listening truly to the music"...I think that just because an attempt at describing the music was made, that doesn't mean it was reviewed on that basis. A review isn't there just to state an opinion, but also to describe and compare the album to give somebody who hasn't heard it some kind of idea of whether or not it will appeal to them.

Example, reviewer says:

"This is a thrash metal album. I fucking hate thrash metal. This album sucks".

OK, so it wouldn't be a great review, but even though an opinion has been stated, there is a reason, so if somebody comes along who likes thrash metal, they can say:

"Well I love thrash metal, I'm gonna check it out!"


"I fucking hate thrash metal too, I'm avoiding this"

So reviews can serve a purpose, as long as you don't follow them like they are gospel. I've found reviews incredibly helpful in discovering a lot of new music, and long may that last.
Well, if someone said to themself that because it got a crappy review, that it probably sucks, and they never check it out. Then it'll be the reviewers fault for telling them that the CD has whatever he says in it. But it's better to check out a bad.

And what do you mean by little that is new on Follow the Reaper? It doesn't have the same feel as the other albums, it's a great album. Maybe not as good as Hatebreeder, but I like it better than Something Wild. I'm not saying your opinion is wrong. But what if someone never checks out the band because of your reviews?

What trouble is he causing? He's not making up excuses. I agree with him. I find no interest in your reviews. I download so much different music, and most of the time the band gets bad reviews. I don't understand why. Instead of reviews, there should be descriptions of the album, not what one person's opinion is.

And your sample review about the Thrash Metal, well, reviews should never say anything like that. I'm not saying yours do.... But if someone did, then why would that person write about it instead of getting someone who likes Thrash Metal to give it a listen. 'Cause if someone doesn't like Thrash Metal, and they say "Hmm... I don't like this genre, but I should check out the band." Maybe they'll like the band. You never know.

And when you read a bad review, what do you do? Do you say, "Man, this band must suck..."? Just a question.
No I don't think that when I read a bad review, say I read reviews to see what a band is like is wrong. I don't. First of all remember it's just a review of one album. I look at the review to try and get a good impression of what the album is like. Based on how often I read the reviews by that particular reviewer, I will either trust the reviewers judgement, and try and find reviews of that artist's other albums, or, find a second opinion.

It only takes one positive opinion for me to check something out, but general several negative ones before I decide it's not worth it (unless, like I said, I know and trust the reviewers opinion for whatever reason).
Hellion: Look, sorry if I pissed you off, but I rarely agree with album reviews and I think Hatebreeder is CoB´s best album at the moment. I don´t wanna argue about this(I´ve been very angry the past few days myself too). The site looks really great and opinions will allways be opinions(that´s why I don´t usually even trust reviews). You have been doing great job! Continue on your work....
Thank you...I was just confused as to why you disagreed with the Hatebreeder review if you like it, as it got a good review! Hehe...and you didn't piss me off, I've just been on the defensive a lot in the past day or two. Blame the In Flames forum. Fuck it, let's blame everything on the In Flames forum. They are all too uptight in there.

On another note, as I've not been keeping up, could you possibly fill me in on whats going on in the CoB camp, as I'm looking forward to their next album.
I was trashing that guy because he didn't describe the album. All he did was compare it to Hatebreeder and said it was boring. News flash: reviews are supposed to give a feeling for the album! I can assure you that no one would get an accurate feeling for FtR from that review.

And if you think CoB sounds the same... well, I hope you get your hearing fixed sometime soon so you can enjoy it as much as (almost) everyone else. Just look at the tabs and judge for yourself... no offense, but it sounds like you don't know what you're talking about either.

Yeah, there is speed metal influences on the album, but I'd say they're starting to fully delve into power metal, and I think the next album will be even more power metal (who knows, though).