children of decadence... effect?


i ħ ∂/∂t |ψ(t)› = Ĥ|ψ(t)›
Nov 18, 2005
does anybody what alexi plays at the beginning of children of decadence solo....
that is the tab i got:
it begins at bar 118

is it a kind of long delay effect? or is it really forte/piano playing as it is defined in the tab? because that seems incredible to play. or does ale play the 9th-fret-D-notes?

Its ordinary delay effect. I thought it was some REALLY hard badass stuff when i first heard it as a noob, but earlier this year i was fiddlein with the a odrinary kustom cube amp with some random built in effects at a friends house and i happened to recognise some patterns from that solo, after a good 10 minutes i could recreate the sound from the solo and it sounded like the real thing.

So, yes, it is delay.
^ that would be awesome...!!.. msn?

i thought its delay too but then i saw the tab and saw that piano filling notes and it sounded absolutely correct but i tried it and its kinda unplayable to make THAT loudness difference at that speed
xshadowsoulsx said:
Warheart: Sounds good, but different. Haha, What recording equipment do you use?

Erm, for this I used:

BC Rich Warlock in D straight into a Line 6 Spider II, the going fron the Direct Out into the Mic port on my computer.
Yeah. I just used that for everything, did a bit of EQ'ing in Cool Edit Pro and added the delay too because my effects unit only has certain settings.
Thats cool. When I record, I plug into the M-Audio Fast Track Pro, which then goes into my computer into my Cakewalk Guitar Tracks Pro software, then Ill just add effects with Amplitude, but I still havent found a good setting for it.
I think I tired a demo of it ages ago and it didn't seem heavy enough, unless it was something else.

You should give CEP a try or maybe Cubase, they'll probably have what you want/need.
Oh, well I got a bunch of pre-sets with it, but havent really messed around with em alot. Ive never heard of the other 2, what are they like?
Cubase is a profession recording program, the next step down from Pro Tools. Cool Edit Pro is another few more steps down, it's very decent.
warheart, did you just download the backing track or did you record the drums? (beatcraft or something else?