children of decadence... effect?

<-Warheart-> said:
Erm, for this I used:

BC Rich Warlock in D straight into a Line 6 Spider II, the going fron the Direct Out into the Mic port on my computer.

...So wait? You did what now?
You mean I can connect my amp to the computer???
Can you explain this in a little better detail?
crawler64 said:
warheart, did you just download the backing track or did you record the drums? (beatcraft or something else?

I sure as hell made that backing track. The only CoB BT's I can find are on and they're horrible imo. I did use one of those for a Towards Dead End thing though so some of them are ok but most of them I don't like.

Twitchyguitarist said:
...So wait? You did what now?
You mean I can connect my amp to the computer???
Can you explain this in a little better detail?

Take your guitar, put a lead from that into amp as normal.

Then take another guitar lead and plug one end into your amps "Headphones" socket, or it might say something like "Direct Out" or "Line Out".

Then plug the other end of that same lead into a port in the back of your computer. There should be a sign indicating "mic" or "line in". Depending on your computer, it might even be at the side/front.

Turn your amp on, speakers on and guitar volume up and you *should* hear yourself through the speakers. If not, try a different port on your cumputer until you hear something.

Once you do, just get a recording program and record yourself. :)
Thanks for the help, as soon as I get my amp back I'll try that out.

Errr..just looked and
Cubase and Pro Tools are both for Mac apparently...what would you recommend for Windows users, Warheart?
Is Amplitude also Mac only? I couldn't find a download site for it...
Twitchyguitarist said:
Thanks for the help, as soon as I get my amp back I'll try that out.

Errr..just looked and
Cubase and Pro Tools are both for Mac apparently...what would you recommend for Windows users, Warheart?
Is Amplitude also Mac only? I couldn't find a download site for it...

Cubase is for Windows, I know that for a fact because I have it.

Pro Tools costs fuck loads and you can't download it for free so get CEP.

Cool H0m0r. :cool:
bobvex said:
280 ms is your interval folks.

so we have 142 bpm, and we want a delay of 3 notes of 1/16

<-Warheart-> said:
Cubase is for Windows, I know that for a fact because I have it.

Pro Tools costs fuck loads and you can't download it for free so get CEP.

Cool H0m0r. :cool:
Twitchyguitarist said:
Thanks for the help, as soon as I get my amp back I'll try that out.

Errr..just looked and
Cubase and Pro Tools are both for Mac apparently...what would you recommend for Windows users, Warheart?
Is Amplitude also Mac only? I couldn't find a download site for it...
Amplitude is not Mac only, I have a Windows, and thats why I use it from. I dont think you can download it. Mine came with like Amplitude LE or something like that, but then I got the full one.

Good job on the song Homer!