children_of_bodom_live_in_montreal_12_nov_2003.mpg codec?

Aug 18, 2003
Northwich, UK
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Ive just spent the last 2 hours downloading this from Delt's server, and am having problems getting the sound to work. Ive tried playing it on Real Player, Media Player and Zoom Player. But none can play the sound. So im guessing i need a codec for it. Does anyone have any idea where I can get this codec from? Or any other ideas how I can get this to work?.
I downloaded the Media Player version 9 which didn't work. So I download the newest DIVX player I could find. But I still cannot hear any sound.

If I put the file onto a VCD. Would the sound still be lost?
Day_Before_Dawn said:
Ive just spent the last 2 hours downloading this from Delt's server.QUOTE]

Delts server? CoB live? .MPG?

What is this madness? I wish for live bodom videos!
Someone link me up with this stuff. Please.
I couldn't play it with Windows Media Player 9, Winamp 5 or the latest DivX player, but I can play it fine with PowerDVD 5. I don't even have a DVD drive on my puter, but I installed PowerDVD anyways, because that Montreal video is mpeg-2, which is the encoding used for DVD. So try a DVD player like PowerDVD or WinDVD.
Actually, since I installed PowerDVD, I can now play that file in Windows Media Player and DivX Player too.
The only reason i can think of mate. Is that im missing a codec or an update. The only other thing could be that the file didn't download correctly.

Like the dude previously said its's a mpg2 file. So i'm guessing that has something to do with it.

Thanks for the help anyway guys!.
My download seems to have just stopped dead.

If this dosnt download, I'm going to cry.
Thanks for the offer, but I'll see if it downloads properly this time
(Yeah, it failed ¬_¬)

But you can add me anyway if you like:
Good to have some metal fans on my list:p
This isnt working for me even with divX, it isnt an MPEG-4 nor an Avi, so it dosnt feel like playing it ¬_¬
And Media player says it dosnt have the codecs...
I'll restart I guess:p

Edit: Missed the PowerDVD info, better download that...
LazyGuitar said:
use RealPlayer as if i'm not mistaken, thats actually what mpg's play on. :)

Or do they?...

This gig is damn short, 30mins or something?...meh...still its bodom.

Got it working on some random MPEG-2 encoder
Yeah 30 minutes, same with Tuska though, you should get Tuska, the difference in quality of both the standard of playing & the sound/visual is incredible.