"Chitty" quits Power Quest....

I personally would love Chity fronting a certain Florida-based high-profile metal band who hasn't had a permanent singer for a little over a year...

Yes. I would love to see Chity singing for Kamelot.
power metal is dead

Chity, I love your work, your effort, your voice - everything. I do not know of any endeavor you've tried without putting 100% effort into and created a great product (including Blood Alliance). I know Steve is bummed about your leaving PQ, but you need to make your own decisions.

But PLEASE just don't say things like "Power Metal is Dead." It makes the Baby Jesus cry.
Plus I think Power quest's cousin band, Dragonforce, might disagree with that. Don't know how musicians are doing financially, but I'd be surprised if Dragonforce wasn't making money.
i decided my own thing, is it bad?

Whatever you do, it's your choice and yours alone. People will be upset if they liked the band (with you in it, especially), and some immature people will blame you and make snide comments on the internet that they'd likely never say to your face (anonymity sometimes makes people a$$holes).

But the fact is that it's your life, your voice, your music career, and your finances. YOU have to do what's best for YOU, and in YOUR best interests (and wishes).

Best of luck, glad you're staying in Red Circuit, and looking forward to hearing your future work!

Chity, I love your work, your effort, your voice - everything. I do not know of any endeavor you've tried without putting 100% effort into and created a great product (including Blood Alliance). I know Steve is bummed about your leaving PQ, but you need to make your own decisions.

But PLEASE just don't say things like "Power Metal is Dead." It makes the Baby Jesus cry.

Sorry for saying that bro:) I didn't mean it that way:)
Hmmm... I don't know. I've been a fan of Kamelot for like 12 years, and I've been a fan of Chity's work for just about as long (since his work with Avalon)... but I'm not sure he would be the best fit for Kamelot. I'm trying to imagine some Kamelot songs with Chity on vocals, and it's just not fitting together quite right in my head. But who knows. It could work well for all I know. Which is not to say anything of the sort is going to happen, of course... this is all complete speculation.
Chitty it was really great getting to finally hear You sing at Prog Power this year and even cooler to hang with You for a few ! I am glad that Red Circuit will continue with You !! I like Power Quest just don't think they are Your type of band music wise just saying !!!
Best wishes Chity! From your description of your solo work, it sounds very intriguing to me. Cheers!
From http://www.bravewords.com/news/172605

An update from Power Quest reads: "We are pleased to finally reveal the identity of the new Power Quest frontman. Please welcome Colin Callanan to the Power Quest family!


Colin, 31, is from Galway, Ireland and will make his live debut with the band in Wakefield on November 27th. The show will be streamed "live" on the internet as well! Previously Colin has been heard fronting his own projects, DARK CRYSTAL and KARUNA."
Thank you all for all the comments, I'm living with music so i can't afford to perform for free unless it's a very important show flashes my career.

Or unless you can come sing for my birthday party right ? Ha ha ha...... people understand Chity. You have to do what is best for you. Music is an art, but when it also becomes your profession, you have to be able to maintain your lifestyle through it. I wish you all of the best my brother.

Sorry for saying that bro:) I didn't mean it that way:)

Bad Chity >: Ha ha ha...... I still love my old Avalon CDs (especially Eurasia) and while I understand you may have decided to move in different directions musically, you have fans that think of you as a singer who sang for several powermetal bands.
I know how you are Chity. I have known you a long time. You are just like me !! Sometimes you type before thinking. Sometimes you say things but mean them in a different way. You are one of a kind my friend. Just be careful because some people may take some things you say the wrong way.
