Chocolate Rain

BTW That Linda M song was hilarious, Matt! :lol:

But will you still be saying that when I write verses about you...

Though with your first and last name being only three syllables it's perfect for the rhyme. Of course, since Kim rhymes with M, I might go witk Aja K. It all depends which one I can make better jokes with.

Linda's been awfully quiet so I'll get to myself before she does.

Wrote verses about Linda for some laughs
Now she wants to shove her drumsticks...(need i say more):ill:
Matt Douglas
BTW That Linda M song was hilarious, Matt! :lol:

And now it's your turn Aja...
I wasn't kidding when I said every Maiden desrves one.

Aja K
Vocal prowess puts neck veins on grand display
Aja K
With Gene Simmons shares some laminal DNA
Aja K
Must remove navel ring in the dojo every day
Aja K
From Philly but still gets chilly in LA
Aja K
Nice to those whose cars look like they've been thrown by a trebuchet
Aja K
In other words oh gee thanks again for Saturday
Aja K
Ok, I watched the original version, and I watched the Jimmy Kimmel episode with this guy, and I'm not usually one to judge people or say something unkind, but this guy... forgive me peeps, but this guy is a FREAK!!! :goggly: He was holding his body so stiff!... He didn't move his arms during his entire interview... EVERYONE, no matter who they are, uses their hands when they're talking. I don't know, maybe his neck is fused or something, but that's how it seemed to me. And to be honest, I don't believe that is his realy voice, especially while watching his body movements, or lack of body movements. Interesting song though, just not quite sure WHAT to make of it.:confused:

(just my opinion)
Well, Sara, thanks to bumping this thread with the update, I am reminded that I made a commitment that I shirked on. Since you put it up there, this one's yours:

Sara Marsh
Flying blonde hair always lights up the darksh
Sara Marsh
Sustains belch from twenty of february til first of march
Sara Marsh
Snapped tendon during a show, ouch, that was harsh
Sara Marsh
Finished show nonetheless and really raised the barsh
Sara Marsh
Don't touch her beer or even on crutches she'll kick you arse
Sara Marsh
Great guitar skills make her such a shining starsh
Sara Marsh

3 down, 2 to go