Choir Samples

On a side note, that was very, very evil. :ill:

I think I need to go read my Bible now.

;) :D

You should probably highpass those audio clips at the end. They were making a very high pitch noise that was tickling my temporal lobes. Unless that's what you were going for. Cool song otherwise.
Ben Johnson said:
On a side note, that was very, very evil. :ill:

I think I need to go read my Bible now.

;) :D

You should probably highpass those audio clips at the end. They were making a very high pitch noise that was tickling my temporal lobes. Unless that's what you were going for. Cool song otherwise.
Hehehehe... Thanks, we got our message across to you I see:D Yeah those News reporters samples were meant to sound like that. Can you believe I got ALL that messed up killings/reports in two sittings of the evening news, and Chicago news!!!!! I put a A.K.G. C451 up to the T.V's speaker.

Thanks for listening!!

Kenny Lee said:
Hehehehe... Thanks, we got our message across to you I see:D Yeah those News reporters samples were meant to sound like that. Can you believe I got ALL that messed up killings/reports in two sittings of the evening news, and Chicago news!!!!! I put a A.K.G. C451 up to the T.V's speaker.

Thanks for listening!!


Chicago, eh? Nope, I'm not surprised at all.