Choose 3 songs to describe Novembre...


Giant Member
Feb 8, 2006
To an intelligent non-extreme metal liking music fan. You know the people who listen to classical, jazz and progrock, that kind of guys? Try to choose tracks that aren't brutal, although if they use a way of extreme singing that is appealing and addicting to a person that hasn't heard it before, that would be nice!

My picks:

Nursery Rhyme
Come Pierrot(or Valentine... or Flower... aaah!)

There's lot a lot to choose from, I guess, since almost all the songs have a scream or two..

My Starving Bambina (for the ice-breaking effect)
i think child of the twilight is a good all around song.. mellow parts, clean vox, heavy parts and screams... venezia dismal is also a good song for this... to show their more mellow side i would probably choose nostalgiaplatz, and for their heavier stuff id say maybe onirica east, or love story.

i tried to turn one my friends on to novembre and the first thing he said was "dude.. the guy from opeth has a way better voice" hahaha i just shut it off and said perhaps this band isnt right for you.
It's probably my fave songs...
- The dream of the old boats
- Nursery Rhyme
- and now I choose a new song, that at the moment is Nothijngrad, whatever it is, wherever it is, I love this song, its vibe, Carmelo's words and clean singing, as well as the screaming...

Well, just like for some of the previous threads, it's hard to choose only 3 songs... If I could choose 3 songs for each album, would be better.
NovemberMourning said:
i think child of the twilight is a good all around song.. mellow parts, clean vox, heavy parts and screams... venezia dismal is also a good song for this... to show their more mellow side i would probably choose nostalgiaplatz, and for their heavier stuff id say maybe onirica east, or love story.

I can't agree man! For someone who's not a lot into growling, showing them Child of the Twilight isn't going to help in the longrun. The heavier part of that song is really heavy, atmospheric, dark and cold... I really wouldn't ever put that one in for a friend willing to get into, just for that reason!

NovemberMourning said:
i tried to turn one my friends on to novembre and the first thing he said was "dude.. the guy from opeth has a way better voice" hahaha i just shut it off and said perhaps this band isnt right for you.

Even if it was like he said, Opeth would still win, because Opeth is mainstream and trendy :)

Here's a perfect example:

I've got lots of friends who are into Opeth and are like "Novembre aren't that good"... one of them in particular is always like "Hey, Opeth is so much better than Novembre" and I am always stating otherwise...
Nostalgiaplatz said:
I can't agree man! For someone who's not a lot into growling, showing them Child of the Twilight isn't going to help in the longrun. The heavier part of that song is really heavy, atmospheric, dark and cold... I really wouldn't ever put that one in for a friend willing to get into, just for that reason!

well wasnt the topic 3 songs to describe Novembre? I think child of the twilight describes the band pretty well... if i was going to turn someone on to novembre, i would probably play that as well... if they dont like the screaming then fuck em... novembre isnt for them... are they only going to be fans some songs only cause Carmelo doesnt scream? thats like people that say theyre opeth fans cause they like damnation and thats it...

Even if it was like he said, Opeth would still win, because Opeth is mainstream and trendy :)
hahaha 9 years ago when i started listening to Opeth if someone told me they were gonna be mainstream and trendy i wouldve laughed, and said they were full of shit... hahaha so much for that...
NovemberMourning said:
well wasnt the topic 3 songs to describe Novembre? I think child of the twilight describes the band pretty well... if i was going to turn someone on to novembre, i would probably play that as well... if they dont like the screaming then fuck em... novembre isnt for them... are they only going to be fans some songs only cause Carmelo doesnt scream? thats like people that say theyre opeth fans cause they like damnation and thats it...

You're so right about it! But read what the original thread author said, choose 3 songs you'd show to a jazz, heavy, prog fan :)

NovemberMourning said:
hahaha 9 years ago when i started listening to Opeth if someone told me they were gonna be mainstream and trendy i wouldve laughed, and said they were full of shit... hahaha so much for that...

Indeed man! when Ghost Reveries came out, I was talking to jester and we were kinda dissecting the whys of Opeth's success and comparing them to Novembre, and jester said something along the lines "Opeth are more death metal than Novembre, they're more headbangable, it's less intense and there's a broader audience for this style in america" and that Novembre wouldn't ever succeed because of that. Kids can't jump to it, they can only swing haha, but since I've searched for Novembre on blabbermouth and I've read so many comments regarding Novembre becoming the next Opeth...I am starting to have a few different expectations and given their sound is more modern from what I could tell off of the samples, hmm...

Anyways, that would still mean Katatonia would be up there with them!
i like the fact that novembre is unknown...

i like the fact that they arent "brutal" enough for "trooo" death metal fans.:rolleyes: and i like the fact that people think opeth is better. i dunno if novembre would ever get big here in the states, cause of the italian lyrics in some of the songs... it might not be cool enough for the trendy kids. Let the mainstream have opeth and katatonia.

i like the new katatonia album, but i think the new novembre album is better.
NovemberMourning said:
i like the fact that novembre is unknown...

i like the fact that they arent "brutal" enough for "trooo" death metal fans.:rolleyes: and i like the fact that people think opeth is better. i dunno if novembre would ever get big here in the states, cause of the italian lyrics in some of the songs... it might not be cool enough for the trendy kids. Let the mainstream have opeth and katatonia.

Yeah, I've always thought Novembre has a subtle complexity that not all people understand, they're always painting an oniric landscape on every song. And they mix many genres without using traditional song structures. On the other hand there's Opeth, whose music is rather accesible, "catchy" or just more straight-forward.

About the songs:
- Everasia
- Foto Blu Infinito
- Cloudbursting? :p
Thing is, Opeth is clearly metal...and metalheads are fickle. They like opeth because it is clearly metal.

Novembre I wouldnt even class as metal, even though it has all those metal influences and blatently sounds really heavy in parts. Have you noticed there is no fans here who disregard any type of there is people here that love radiohead and sigur ros, even farther stuff from metal than that. We probably all love klimt 1918 and room with a view...that type of music would be detested by most metalheads i am sure. Novembre is the same, its not metal enough for metalheads....and it is those pure metalheads sadly that make bands popular and which kind of limits creativity in the genre I think.

I dont care, if they dont like it its their loss...i cant see novembre becoming popular in America. If they do, awesome...they truly deserve respect, more than any other band I listen to, and of course the money that comes with it. Obviously I prefer if those retarded ignorant opeth fans like the ones on their forum wouldnt enjoy novembre's music hahah but fuck it. If it means Carmelo and the guys get money I am happy, because they deserve it for the amazing music they have created over the years.
**Jester** said:
Novembre I wouldnt even class as metal, even though it has all those metal influences and blatently sounds really heavy in parts. Have you noticed there is no fans here who disregard any type of there is people here that love radiohead and sigur ros, even farther stuff from metal than that. We probably all love klimt 1918 and room with a view...that type of music would be detested by most metalheads i am sure. Novembre is the same, its not metal enough for metalheads....and it is those pure metalheads sadly that make bands popular and which kind of limits creativity in the genre I think.

I hadn't thought of that, for me Novembre was just a metal band, that cannot be categorized.

Well, I just don't understand most metal heads. :p
Originally Posted by **Jester**
Novembre I wouldnt even class as metal, even though it has all those metal influences and blatently sounds really heavy in parts. Have you noticed there is no fans here who disregard any type of there is people here that love radiohead and sigur ros, even farther stuff from metal than that. We probably all love klimt 1918 and room with a view...that type of music would be detested by most metalheads i am sure. Novembre is the same, its not metal enough for metalheads....and it is those pure metalheads sadly that make bands popular and which kind of limits creativity in the genre I think.

I think you are generalizing a little too much here... of course there are metalheads who are unable to like any other genre but I believe that most of them are intelligent persons who can also appreciate good music when they hear it, may it be metal or not. It is a much too simple argument to just say that a band gained popularity only because of the stupidity and/or naivety of the mass. I've heard too many people discreditate others by calling them retards. If you think about it a moment, nobody considers himself as stupid, yet everybody at some point will feel like someone else, or a group of persons, are of less intelligence. Let's not fall into this fallacy of calling others inferior, because it is not true. What really differentiates people are divergences of tastes, interests and priorities, but rarely intelligence.

There are actually many factors that played a role in the growing popularity of Opeth. In my opinion, the main reasons for their "success" (they're still not Iron Maiden) are their constant work and their music that is more accessible to non-metalheads than most death metal bands.
They have been working very hard over the past years to become what they are today. They are constantly touring, and after touring, they write new material. It is a full-time job and it is completely comprehensible that they want to get as much recognition for their work as possible, it is what every worker is aiming for. They have come to America countless times now, they have been to Australia, Europe obviously, they've done gigs around the world, festivals, they give interviews, etc. It is not so simple to become famous when you play heavy metal. When they came to America the first time they weren't very popular, but still they came and by doing so they got more attention. They've kept on writing music and do even more touring, and now it pays off I think. On the other hand, Novembre does not tour so much, and I still don't see the day where they will go across the ocean to play over here. Sometimes fans like to know that someday they will be able to see their favorite bands live, but if it's never to happen there might be some loss of interest, even if the music is the same.
I consider Opeth's death growls to be the most "metal" aspect of their music. Each new album leans more toward prog than the one before, and Damnation clearly shows that the band is comfortable with the 2 genres. This is a particularity that most bands don't have, and it is what makes people pay more attention to them. To the non-metalheads, they are not simply "another death metal band", they are real musicians who like to try out all kid of stuff. I have seen reviewers in famous newspapers talk about Opeth and recommend this band to the public, even though most, if not all, of their readers are not really into heavy stuff.

Now, for Novembre not being so "metal" neither, I do not completely agree, altough I must say that I still haven't heard Materia because I promised myself not to download it, and people say that it is probably their least metal labum to date so maybe my opinion is flawed here. But I always considered Novembre to be a doom metal band, especially because of the harsh vocals. However, I seriously believe that they could get famous in America (and in Europe for that matter) if they were more present on the music scene. People simply don't listen to them because they have never heard of them, not because they don't like their music as you seemed to pretend. They could become quite big if they were given more exposure, and this comes with work from the band, the promoter and the label.
Sorry, but I don't really think that KatatoniA is mainstream :bah:
You can't neither compare KatatoniA and Novembre to Opeth, although the first 3 records of Opeth are great for me.
When you go to a gig of KatatoniA, you'll never have the same reactions as during a gig of Opeth nowadays. KatatoniA is something more... personal, intimist. It's exciting seeing Opeth live, they're all such outstanding musicians, but Novembre and KatatoniA are another thing.

I can't accept that as the why of Opeth's success. Novembre never toured America for the same reasons Opeth never toured America up until Blackwater Park. If we look into the time when Novembre were signed to the shity century media, neither Classica nor Novembrine Waltz had official distribution in america! the band had a saying on their site "If you're from america and you want to buy our CDs, send a complaint email to some sales department at century media"... do you think they've declined offers to tour america, australia, anywhere else? I say they never got an offer!

I can agree Novembre are pretty much a low profile band, they aren't that well known to the scene. I also can agree they've had some flawed albums in their history which only adds to their lack of popularity.

It's so unfortunate when you're trying to promote Novembre and there's always someone who come by saying "I've had Wish I Could Dream Again and it was so uninspiring, the vocals were so bad that I had to sell off this album rightaway!". This happened when I posted to a portuguese forum about the release of the new album being set to 17th, just when the tracklisting came out.
Americans generally have a different taste of music to Europeans, its so evident even in the pop charts...there are so many English pop bands that do really well in England/Europe and then try and go to America to be a success and even with the power of massive financial backing from a huge record company they fail. Rarely do europeans become popular in America...takes something huge.

Maybe it is because people around the world interpret music in different ways because their ears recognise notes at different frequenices :p

Obviously I am talking about generally.

And supermoi I didnt mean retarded in that way, the word doesnt have one means deficient of something. In the case of the Opeth fans on that forum, deficient of sense (bunch of ignorant elitists generally). You get elitists following every band though, it was no attack on Opeth. I have loved them for nearly 10 years ever since I bought morning rise when it came out so I am not going to say that Opeth dont deserve the respect they get.
I think Opeth are no way a real mainstream band, they're no fuckin Iron Maiden or Manowar or else, they're just starting to reach more audience as they deserve, but that's only because of their skills and talent and WORK: when Opeth were touring and releasing albums, Novembre were sleeping. I don't know the reason but that's the truth, and if your label does not support you in the right way you go by yourself, it's full of bands working hard for their goals, touring and stuff, and I'm sure Novembre could have played more gigs around Italy and Europe while instead they were just playing a few times a year in Italy in the past 3-4 years. And there have been large periods when they didn't care a fuck about spreading their own merchandise.
Katatonia too are maybe just starting now to reach a little more consistent audience but they're really far from being mainstream, even if they deserve, in my opinion, more success than the other two bands (that I love too): they're on the road since early '90s and in my opinion they've never failed an album (out of 7 plus mcds and stuff).

Anyway I don't know if I will pass some songs of Novembre to a non-metal listener as his "initiation", he should listen other things before he can get into Novembre (that are not easy anyway); maybe I'd rather pass him some Katatonia or Opeth before, they can be more direct and attractive with some songs, Novembre could take some more time to be understood and appreciated.... maybe Materia would be a good start anyway, because it lacks enough of metal vocals, but I need to listen to it more... or maybe some Novembrine Waltz, where the guitars are not so heavy... but anyway I think people should better get deeply into metal and then "come out to explore" to appreciate these bands in the right way.
I think Opeth are no way a real mainstream band, they're no fuckin Iron Maiden or Manowar or else, they're just starting to reach more audience as they deserve, but that's only because of their skills and talent and WORK: when Opeth were touring and releasing albums, Novembre were sleeping. I don't know the reason but that's the truth, and if your label does not support you in the right way you go by yourself, it's full of bands working hard for their goals, touring and stuff, and I'm sure Novembre could have played more gigs around Italy and Europe while instead they were just playing a few times a year in Italy in the past 3-4 years. And there have been large periods when they didn't care a fuck about spreading their own merchandise.

Thanks, that's pretty much what I was saying... You gotta work your way up, you can't start at the top of the ladder (unless your name is Ashlee Simpson). Of course the label is supposed to be promoting the band and all, but if it doesn't then change label or do it yourself. By touring more over Europe I believe the label would have figured that these guys were serious and that they should help them more, and eventually they could tour around the globe.

However, if it's the band's wish to just record cds once in a while and tour a little bit because they like it this way and they don't care about success, then I'm fine with that.