Choosing new monitors


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
So I'm getting rid of my Alesis MK1 Actives, really tired of trying to get use to them. They color the sound compared to other systems and the low end is ridiculous

My price range right now is between £200 - £300

My options so far are:

KRK Rokit RP5
Yamama HS50M

Anymore to look at? I've been reading reviews for both pairs and they both seem to lack low end.

I'm only using these for my home studio, hence why the price is low (fuck being a student)
Slightly beyond your budget but the Adam A3Xs have been reviewed favourably and will be very detailed in the midrange.
I just returned from the store where I checked out new monitors (and bought a pair).
Focal CMS50: Rather great for their size. Solid low end.
ADAM A5 (not X!): Nice definition, low end was OK but certainly not extended.
ADAM A7X: Bought them. Best performance overall. Solid low end, nice mid definition. Not fatiguing.
ADAM A8X: Ultra deep low-end. Too less mids for my taste, they sounded too good to my ears. Not good for mixes to translate.
Dynaudio BM5A: Good low end, very mid heavy, sounded kinda "bad" but in a good way. I guess if you make a mix sound good on those, they will sound good everywhere. But a bit fatiguing, IMHO.
KRK VXT: Not my cup of tea. Did not sound flat at all to me.
Yamaha HS80M: I wanted to buy those, but after 3 seconds into my CD, I switched over to the other candidates. Bah... NO LOW-END AT ALL! Even with their big woofer. Dull overall sound picture. Not for me. I don't think that the HS50Ms do any better.

My advise: Save for the ADAM A5X's or try to get some older A5's for less money.

I brought the A7X's home.