Pair of active monitors around the £300-500 mark?


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
I'm looking at getting some new monitors, and this is my current budget.
What's out there at the moment that are great for the price? I'll consider all that are listed and then go try them out at my local DV.

So far I'm thinking about the KRK Rokit RP8, or M-Audio CX8, and things of that ilk.

Bigger than 5" driver is preferred since that's what I'm using currently and I just feel that they can't quite represent the low end that well.
If you don't mind buying used and are patient enough, check ebay for some used pair of Dynaudio BM5a's. They will kill any new pair of monitors you can buy in that price range. i bought a used pair for 600$ (CAD) used and i've seen em go for as low as 500$ since the new MKII series came out.
Yeah I think I'll definitely A/B the Yammys against the Adams when I go in, they sound like the best options for the price.
I will also keep my eyes peeled on the second-hand market for the Dynaudios too, I hear great things! (pun fully intended)
I had a Rokit shit the bed on me half a year after the warranty ran out, I wouldn't recommend them from a quality control perspective.
How 'bout a used pair of Genelec 1030a's maybe? 6,5" driver, great sounding (at least to my ears) and should fit your budget quite well (at least I found mine within that budget you mentioned)
I've got a pair of Mackie MR8s - they're often overlooked, but I love mine! The new ones (MR8mk2) go for $250 a piece.