I'm thinking about getting some monitors because I'm starting to record a lot more and right now I'm using some Panasonic ghetto-busters (they actually sound pretty good IMO). Anyway, I'm a complete monitor noob but I'm pretty set on getting these:
I've never heard anything bad about them and I'm not looking to spend a ton of money on some.
Also, I have some questions about setting them up. First, how exactly do you guys connect them to your PC? RCA cables? My setup right now is pretty crazy and I actually have a Radioshack RCA cable splitter that's used for TV's (you know so you can have more than 2 game consoles hooked up, because I use my speakers for my PODxt/computer/AxeFx) and I'm hoping I can still use this with the monitors. I guess I'd just use a cable that turns two RCA cables into one and plug it in there? Would that cause a loss of sound quality?
Sorry if that confused the hell out of you, my setup is pretty unique/ghetto lmao.
One last (stupid) question. I've noticed that they have power buttons, just out of curiosity do you guys keep them on at all time? Cause I would use these as my PC speakers as well which means they would have to be on a TON. Is that bad?
I've never heard anything bad about them and I'm not looking to spend a ton of money on some.
Also, I have some questions about setting them up. First, how exactly do you guys connect them to your PC? RCA cables? My setup right now is pretty crazy and I actually have a Radioshack RCA cable splitter that's used for TV's (you know so you can have more than 2 game consoles hooked up, because I use my speakers for my PODxt/computer/AxeFx) and I'm hoping I can still use this with the monitors. I guess I'd just use a cable that turns two RCA cables into one and plug it in there? Would that cause a loss of sound quality?
Sorry if that confused the hell out of you, my setup is pretty unique/ghetto lmao.
One last (stupid) question. I've noticed that they have power buttons, just out of curiosity do you guys keep them on at all time? Cause I would use these as my PC speakers as well which means they would have to be on a TON. Is that bad?