First pair of monitors


Feb 23, 2008
I'm thinking about getting some monitors because I'm starting to record a lot more and right now I'm using some Panasonic ghetto-busters (they actually sound pretty good IMO). Anyway, I'm a complete monitor noob but I'm pretty set on getting these:

I've never heard anything bad about them and I'm not looking to spend a ton of money on some.

Also, I have some questions about setting them up. First, how exactly do you guys connect them to your PC? RCA cables? My setup right now is pretty crazy and I actually have a Radioshack RCA cable splitter that's used for TV's (you know so you can have more than 2 game consoles hooked up, because I use my speakers for my PODxt/computer/AxeFx) and I'm hoping I can still use this with the monitors. I guess I'd just use a cable that turns two RCA cables into one and plug it in there? Would that cause a loss of sound quality?

Sorry if that confused the hell out of you, my setup is pretty unique/ghetto lmao.

One last (stupid) question. I've noticed that they have power buttons, just out of curiosity do you guys keep them on at all time? Cause I would use these as my PC speakers as well which means they would have to be on a TON. Is that bad?
Good monitors for the buck! I have the rokit 8 and they are good to mix, a little bassy sometimes maybe, but thats ok for me, you can adjust the HF level also with a knob.
You got three different kind of inputs: RCA (unbalanced), quarter-Inch (balanced/unbalanced) and XLR (balanced). If you'll use some RCA cables try to use good quality ones.
I also use these monitors with my pc a lot, no problems at all, for me its better to know "how they sound", because it helps you in the mix.
The rokit 6 are also good and they have a little more low frequency response than the 5's, also they are a little more expensive.
I'm thinking about getting some monitors because I'm starting to record a lot more and right now I'm using some Panasonic ghetto-busters (they actually sound pretty good IMO). Anyway, I'm a complete monitor noob but I'm pretty set on getting these:

I've never heard anything bad about them and I'm not looking to spend a ton of money on some.

Also, I have some questions about setting them up. First, how exactly do you guys connect them to your PC? RCA cables? My setup right now is pretty crazy and I actually have a Radioshack RCA cable splitter that's used for TV's (you know so you can have more than 2 game consoles hooked up, because I use my speakers for my PODxt/computer/AxeFx) and I'm hoping I can still use this with the monitors. I guess I'd just use a cable that turns two RCA cables into one and plug it in there? Would that cause a loss of sound quality?

Sorry if that confused the hell out of you, my setup is pretty unique/ghetto lmao.

One last (stupid) question. I've noticed that they have power buttons, just out of curiosity do you guys keep them on at all time? Cause I would use these as my PC speakers as well which means they would have to be on a TON. Is that bad?

I have them, you can definitely use RCA with them, they have the ports, also I use a splitter for my one stereo output (and 1/8 to 1/4" adapters - what a faff) and they're fine, probably be better having two mono outs but I cant complain - I used them with my mates stereo 1/4" jack outputs (on his Edirol UA-25 as opposed to my Toneport GX) and didn't notice a major difference.

I keep the power buttons on from when I start my pc, electrical devices apparently live longer the less you turn them on and off - not that I think that'd affect anything - we're talking decades of use here, but theres no harm in leaving them on.

On the actual monitors themselves, I like them, the bass is good, have to keep an eye on not going crazy with it though, the stereo imaging is good and mixes translate fairly well for me.
you're monitors should be fine being on for long periods of time. If their not then they're not fit for purpose to be honest. Just make sure they don't get too hot and you'll be fine
So the KRK's are my best bet? How do the Mackie MR5's compare?

Also, are you sure I won't lose a lot of quality through RCA cables? I don't want to spend all that money only to have it half-assing it.
nothing wrong with RCA cables. Where cables lack in quality are bandwidth relative to the amount of voltage/current traveling through them and the resulting induced resistance from the cable itself that would be excessive by the voltage that would be used (using too thick a wire)

Though you might have noise from an RCA because they aren't shielded, I am using unshielded TS to RCA for my setup and I have no noise.
RP5s rock, havent heard the mackies before thought.

anyone heard the alesis mkIIs for $299/pair? might be something to look at too, but those rp5s wont let you down.
I love my m-audio bx8a's they're not flat response though. but they sound killer. great price. just keep in mind what frequencies are enhanced when you mix. I think there's a newer version out now that you can tweak with...
I have the Alesis MKII's and I got the pair for 300, they are really nice monitors, very solid construction, they weigh quite a bit each too. They are also very loud. The back has a trs/xlr combo jack with a level control. I had one die on me but I sent it in under the factory warranty and they fixed it no questions asked.
I have a pair of Rockit 5's and I like them a lot, but they are kinda lacking in the low end region IMO (you can't expect too much from that small of a driver I suppose). I plan to get the Rockit sub at some point to help fill it out. I have them hooked up to my interface with TRS cables and have no noise issues.
I just went with the KRK 5's. Thanks for the help.

So, if I plug the RCA cables from the monitors into one of these.


and then plug one into the left input and one into the right input of RCA selector box I have, I'm good?
Yamaha MSP5s are hard to beat for the money. I personally don't think there is another speaker in that price range that competes (including the KRK stuff).

If you want to spend a few bucks I'd go with a hi-fi speaker like the B&W 685 with a decent amp. IMO that will smoke any studio monitor under a couple grand.
So do you guys use your monitor boxes to listen to music etc. aswell?

Or do you just use them to mix?

Regards sandra
So do you guys use your monitor boxes to listen to music etc. aswell?

Or do you just use them to mix?

Regards sandra

My home recording equipment is integrated into my home theater setup (I don't record bands at home). I have a couch setup similar to Bob Katz so my speakers are used for casual listening, mixing, recording, watching movies, etc.
I love my m-audio bx8a's they're not flat response though. but they sound killer. great price. just keep in mind what frequencies are enhanced when you mix. I think there's a newer version out now that you can tweak with...

I don't think there are any studio monitors in the world that are flat response though dude. Studio monitors are theoretically meant to be flat, but technological limitations means in the real world it's not the case.
Ermz probably has some of the most flat and accurate monitors on the forum, and even those aren't totally flat.