Chris Cornell covering..."BILLIE JEAN"....MJ be damned..hahaha

I like the cover. Chris is a diverse artist and I really wish he would've stayed solo (like Euphoria Morning).

I hope the new solo album is good, but if it's half as good as EM, I won't be disappointed.
Well, it's certainly different. Not bad though. I liked it.

I am often surprised by how much I like some of MJ's early songs. It's too bad he went fruitloopy.
So if you're keeping score, that's 3 - 2 so far, with the Worthless Comments taking the lead.

Waz - have you done any acoustic Opeth covers? I can't remember... I would love to hear your interpretation of a faster Opeth song done slowly.
So if you're keeping score, that's 3 - 2 so far, with the Worthless Comments taking the lead.

Waz - have you done any acoustic Opeth covers? I can't remember... I would love to hear your interpretation of a faster Opeth song done slowly. .......I got harvest and PII2 up there...I was thinkin of doina medley of the melodic interludes of the heavier songs....though I cant really see myslef growling to a death song played on an acoustic.....hahah.......PEAC EOUT