Chris Cornell type vocals? Let me know what you think!

That's pretty kool, at first I wondered where you got the "chris cornell" vocals from but then when they actually came in there is quite a resemblance.
Not very COrnell, apart from one line, but killer vocals nonetheless. Seriously amazing 'cleans'.
Mixwise it's decent but its pumping a bit, and I'm not a huge fan of the bass. It's got very 'airy' mids (round 1khz), which just sound like white noise. Vocals are a little dry. Not a huge fan of the drums either, they sound like AD. There's nothing that would stop me listening to the music though.
Sounds pretty good! The dry clean vocals bother me a bit though. They just stick out too much for my liking.
I love coming to this forum for a healthy dose of humilty. Dude, I was listening to some of the stuff on your site. Holy shit, that is some good fucking metal.
I love coming to this forum for a healthy dose of humilty. Dude, I was listening to some of the stuff on your site. Holy shit, that is some good fucking metal.

Thanks man! If you can head on over to our fundraiser and spread th word man. We're trying to raise money so that we can fly Osku over to the UK from Finland so we can gig!

Joe x