Chris...I know a former student of yours


Martriden K
Jan 8, 2004
Spokane WA.
:OMG: We were having a chat at dinner tonight. My roomate's boyfriend (I live with 2 girls) and I. And he asked me if I'd heard of Jag PAnzer...I said of course I know them. And then he told me you were his guitar teacher while he was in high school in Denver!

anyway...his name is Adam Quaine, he's a very capable Jazz guitarist these days. He plays for the top JAzz Band up here in Greeley, CO. And I think he's getting close to getting a composition/music theory degree. I think he has a year left.

small world. now I'm utterly jealous of him. I had to teach myself up in montana. He smokes me on the fretboard. He played with John Abercrombie today at the JAzz Festival. That guy is so good its sickening. :OMG:
the_drip said:
:OMG: We were having a chat at dinner tonight. My roomate's boyfriend (I live with 2 girls) and I. And he asked me if I'd heard of Jag PAnzer...I said of course I know them. And then he told me you were his guitar teacher while he was in high school in Denver!

anyway...his name is Adam Quaine, he's a very capable Jazz guitarist these days. He plays for the top JAzz Band up here in Greeley, CO. And I think he's getting close to getting a composition/music theory degree. I think he has a year left.

small world. now I'm utterly jealous of him. I had to teach myself up in montana. He smokes me on the fretboard. He played with John Abercrombie today at the JAzz Festival. That guy is so good its sickening. :OMG:
Hey the_drip,
Oh yea!!! I remember Adam, tell him I said hey and that I'm glad to hear that he is doing so well. He was a good player back when he took lessons from me, it would be awesome to see what kind of a player he has become. Tell him to shoot me an email sometime.
Later, Chris.
While we're on the topic, a friend of mine goes to Franklin Pierce in NH and one of his teachers is Scott Sanchez. He says you guys were friends back in your college days in Denver I believe?

Haha, this thread is officially making the world a smaller place. We could turn this into one of those 5 degrees of seperation with Chris Broderick things...... maybe. lol
Chris_Broderick said:
Hey the_drip,
Oh yea!!! I remember Adam, tell him I said hey and that I'm glad to hear that he is doing so well. He was a good player back when he took lessons from me, it would be awesome to see what kind of a player he has become. Tell him to shoot me an email sometime.
Later, Chris.

Will do. :headbang:
We're having a party here this weekend (end of school) and we might hav ea jam session. Jazz stuff since everyone here in Greeley is a jazz musician. I'll take some video of Adam playing if I get a chance.
Cecchini said:
While we're on the topic, a friend of mine goes to Franklin Pierce in NH and one of his teachers is Scott Sanchez. He says you guys were friends back in your college days in Denver I believe?

Haha, this thread is officially making the world a smaller place. We could turn this into one of those 5 degrees of seperation with Chris Broderick things...... maybe. lol
Oh yea!!
Scott Sanchez pissed me off many times with his great classical technique. Tell him I said hello, and one of these days we will meet up.
Take care, Chris.
the_drip said:
We're having a party here this weekend (end of school) and we might hav ea jam session. Jazz stuff since everyone here in Greeley is a jazz musician. I'll take some video of Adam playing if I get a chance.
If you do ask him if he would mind if I hosted it on my web site.
Thanks Chris.