I got threatened by a student today

14? Um. Okay. This is america, I must keep reminding myself I've got no idea how things can get over there. The bit that scares me is that the threat of violence is met with methods I'd usually reserve for actual occuring violence. I'm not sure full-on tension/control on the level of what people think or might say (or draw) is a good idea. When things are kept on the edge they tend to snap.
My understanding was that in countries that have things more under control in schools, that kind of disrespect and threat to a teacher is far LESS tolerated than it would be here, where the kids are by and large disrespectful and inappropriate to a degree that would never be seen there. Maybe I have the wrong impression of Greek schools, as I thought of them as part of the European "better than America" model.

the kid wasn't in today and hasn't even been officially notified of his five-day suspension, so it begins when someone can get in touch with him or his mom (she won't give the school her cellphone number and the house number has been disconnected for months). who knows if he'll come back and when.
and italiano, I'm sure this kid doesn't think twice about me after being suspended like twelve times in five months for a variety of offenses, having no home, being chased by the police (he's Bloods-involved) and generally having hundreds of adults to hate more.