Chris is good... But can he do this?

SickBoy said:
Don't take it too seriously, man... :)
I actually like the lyrics to this particular song, expressing pure hedonism and enjoyment in metal. The lines in signature fit me very well ;)
Not to say that they don't have absurd "we've got the biggest amps, man they blast" lyrics in abundance... :tickled:
T_man357.... I hope you die in terrible pain.

In case people don't understand my post, it's only because T_Man spammed every board with the :yow: smilie and it got pretty annoying
SickBoy said:
I always saw Angelo as an anti-guitarist, he stands for everything I hate in electric guitar playing. He should go work in some circus to show off... Yeah, he's fast and then some - so what?! Many players are perfect technically, but no one ever hears about them...Why? Cause they don't know how to write a song, a great melody, since they are too busy showing off, so that everyone sees what they can do. Interesting for two whole minutes and that's it...

I wish he'd write a good memorable song that will send shivers down my (or anyone's) spine, instead of noodling up and down the fretboard! Hit one single note that will make all the hairs on the body stand up (Parisienne Walkways, anyone?)... To finally use the technique he's developed for something musical, for change.

What you haven't heard Freight Train by Nitro??? Thats like the best song ever written. The vocals own on that tune. :rock: