Chris Jericho instores

ceydn said:
I'm hoping to attend. But I'm also hoping to attend Port vs Crows next weekend (forward thinking, but I'm a psychic!) Hopefully the mrs has the night off so we can go.

You ended up being correct. :)

Fuck the atmosphere was amazing at Football Park last night. I've never heard so much noise from a crowd, even in England. What made it even better was that we pulled off a magnificent victory. Mayhem!
I'm a bit late to answer, but The Shine are ROCKIN! Good choice for a support for Fozzy too because both bands have a comedy/parody edge, and The Shine are big wrestling fans I know as well (the singer Big Daddy manages a wrestler lol).

Basically they are just a high energy, super-fun rock & roll show. Catchy 3 chord songs that sound somewhere between classic KISS and 70s glam with big choruses and funny sexual innuendo, and one of the most entertaining frontmen around :) He also rules because he loves VINNIE VINCENT!
I saw VVI in JB Hi-Fi the other day, which I never see.

I might have to purchase it. *almost a thread steal, but VV was mentioned in the previous post :P*
Great show!! Possibly the most fun and best value gig I have ever been to. The tickets were the cheapest I have bought in years, and the tshirt I bought was $30, which isn't cheap, but is about as cheap as any you will find at a gig these days...most are $45ish.

The Shine were really entertaining, and far better than I expected! I found myself getting into the songs and knowing most of the choruses before each song was finished. I think they played 2 that I wasn't into, but the rest rocked. I would even give an album a listen based on that performance.

Fozzy were fantastic. The sound was rather shite for the first 2 to 3 songs or so, but when it came good they sounded fantastic. The best crowd interaction I have ever seen from a band, and good fun, but despite all the talk they still played a good length set, so overall they seemed to be on stage for a pretty long time. It was great. Their set was also better than I was expecting, with good variation across albums and not too much from the new one. The older songs like End Of Days, Feel The Burn, With The Fire and To Kill A Stranger went off the most. They picked good covers to play too. Freewheel Burnin went the fuck off.

What a great gig. :rock:
No. I think the only covers were Freewheel Burning (Priest) and Eat The Rich (Krokus).
I still might go to the Brisbane gig too.. just gotta sort out the logistics.
AMAZING in Adelaide. As Blitzy said - crowd interaction was second to none. He mentioned something about a drunk midget in Melbourne who wouldn't get off the stage?

But gee Adelaide is insane... it shows how starving we are for gigs. We only had probably 200-300 people there... but crammed into Fowler's Live it was such a big atmosphere. He even commented that even though everything was smaller than Melbourne, we were so much fucking louder.

I've never heard so many random chants from a crowd. "FUCK MELBOURNE!" and two "FUCK JET!" chants. One at the end I had no idea what we were chanting, but we were chanting it. We loved chanting.

And for anyone who's ever seen Fowler's Live, ever imagine there being crowd surfing? Me either, but gee that was crazy. We had 11 year crowd surfers. Also had an 11 year old stage who Jericho made everyone chant his name. Bra's thrown on stage, had one guy lose his phone and Jericho find it for him and FREEWHEEL BURNING was beyond insane.

So damn glad that I went. One of the best shows I've ever been to