Woo Hooo !!

I don't understand how the quality of a venue can even make a difference at all. I've never been to one so bad that I would boycott gigs because of it..

What's so wrong with it?
Its about 1000000000000000 degrees above the temperature of the core of the earth inside.

It has fuck all ventilation...that I could tell anyway...if they do it doesnt work.

Once its packed the above temperature rises by about 4 million fold.

Water costs about 4 bucks a bottle (the bar chick even asked me if i was sure when i asked for 2 bottles of water).

Did i mention that it gets really hot inside? You can walk in...stand at the back of the place...away from most of the bodies filling the room...do nothing but stand still in one spot, and be completley drenched with sweat.
Its not the best place but its not that bad...I dont understand what you guys are talking about? If I like the band I wouldnt give a shit where they are playing.

Besides once the music starts you dont give a second thought to the crappiness of the venue. You are there for the music not the to stare at the venue thinking what am I doing in this run down old place.

Priest, Megadeth etc all were at the arena and the shows were amazing. Once they started who in their right mind would care what the venue was like???
They do have air con but its usually cuts out halfway during the show. At Opeth it was working all night though. For Priest, which was in december, it was fucking hot in jeans and a t shirt surrounded by people but I couldnt care less...it was PRIEST! :D I walked away sweating to all buggery but couldnt care one way or the other :D
I'm used to missing bands anyway, so it doesn't bother me that much. I'm yet to miss a band that I HAD to see because of the venue.

I've been to the Arena once to see Steve Vai, and I walked out after half an hour. I just couldn't stand the heat, was ready to collapse. I don't care who the act is, I'm not going to put myself through that just to see a band who I won't be able to properly enjoy.
Yeah.... the organisers made the "mistake" of announcing Soilwork without having lined up the national support. So of course everyone started speculating who it was going to be and were disappointed when it wasn't Infernal Method or Sakkuth (general consensus)

Plus the fact that Frankenbok have supported Slayer/Machine Head, Skinlab (twice) and Fear Factory in the past few years.
I hate it when the same bands support every band that comes out. So boring. I'll be going to Soilwork though!