Hannibal666Lecter said:
No I won't and no he didn't.
Why don't you two get a room? You make a cute couple.
Jerry, I hate to break it to you, but you're a funny guy. You keep
crackin insults and more insults. and Pyrus was right you recycle a lot of
them! I read your past posts and I figured you out. You've got 112 posts.
Most of them are in the testament board, half of them involve discussion
with DE, and a majority of your posts are all TOTT and TFTP related.
You're the only who talks about the TFTP board. So that means, you're
old, you know bay area metal, and you were involved with either somehow.
Just like math, what's the common denominator? All you posts you talk
a lot of shit and act like a fuckin prick and then say you're havin fun
(which you having fun at other peoples expenses) and then it to came
to me, you were standing next to Billy Milano in a pic, so now I know
you're just trying to be a Billy Milano wannabe and that makes you
Hannibal=Jerry Allen.
Usually what you accuse other people of, you're guilty of yourself.
So accusing all of us of being gay, makes you an in the closet queer.
You can own what you want to own. I dont care. Big Fucking Whoop.
You're an ass to everyone on this board, I've read your posts. I dont
take you seriously. You may be an internet ghoul, but you're just
a bunch of hot air.
But I'll tell you this. I dont care one fuck about all your nonsense because
you don't matter. It was Marcus Aurilleus who said, you will soon forget
everything, because everything will soon forget you.
Meet you in person so we can fight? What is this? 6th grade out back
by the bike racks? OH PLEASE! ACT YOUR AGE!
I'll tell you this, if you
think you can bounce back in here and talk all your shit without any
reprocussions, then take your best shot, bring your noise and all your
best insults. Consider Yourself WARNED.