Chris Kontos...Ex-MH/Testament....Slams Machine Head...."Trendy Nu-Metal"

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I swear to God, you copy and paste the same ad hominem attacks every time you get in a debate. All you ever do is say "YOU'RE FIFTEEN AND HOMOSEXUAL SO I'M BETTER THAN YOU!" Officer's just as old school as you are, homeboy...gonna have to come up with something better. But hell, I bet you can win this know ALL ABOUT harmful gossip.
Pyrus said:
I swear to God, you copy and paste the same ad hominem attacks every time you get in a debate. All you ever do is say "YOU'RE FIFTEEN AND HOMOSEXUAL SO I'M BETTER THAN YOU!" Officer's just as old school as you are, homeboy...gonna have to come up with something better. But hell, I bet you can win this know ALL ABOUT harmful gossip.

:lol: A little Jewish kid calling me Homeboy. Pure comedy gold. I don't think you or your friend, Officer Nice, need to be commenting on me using.."bro" when the ebonic factor on this board is beyond high. :lol:

...And excuse me but you ARE 15 years old. That's fact. I'm sorry you have a problem being a little kid. I really am. I truly apologize. As for the homosexual part, where did I call anyone a homosexual? Are you feeling oppressed? I apologize if I've offended your sexuality. It's okay to be gay. It really is. I'm glad you're at ease with it and take such a liberal stance on everything. It's good to know yourself at an early age. Are you going to blame me for the Holocaust next? I swear, I had nothing to do with it!!!! So get the chip off your shoulder and comb your hair little guy. As for attacking anyone, that's really tough. As always, your powers of observation are tainted by your previous schoolings by me on this board. Besides, I think your fellow school mate started in with the insults when I put him on the spot. Or is he your boyfriend? It's okay, you can tell me. I won't laugh. The bottom line is I'm friends with Chris and If the mood strikes me, I'll confront people who call my friends liars. It's that simple. Especially when the guy who runs this board (Walter) knows Chris isn't a liar as well and has stated as much.. So really, what is the point of your post? Nothing to do? Bored? You should really find something constructive to do with your time because being a furious little 15 year old on message boards might manifest itself into a Columbine situation. Find a happy place my Hebrew brother.

And I know about harmful gossip? Really? In what way? Elaborate.

To address the part where you say ON is just as old school as me, well this is exactly the kind of rhetoric I expect from a 15 year old kid. I didn't know this was a contest. Apparently it is with you. You talk about me winning something. I'm not here to win a contest my friend, I'm here to clearify that Chris Kontos isn't a liar. Try to follow along or else you'll have to go play in the kiddie pool for a while. Big people are trying to talk. :lol:

You know what Jerry I didnt read any of your rambling.
You talk way too much and there were just too many words to
even bother. It just looked like an endless heap
of blah blah blah and I dont have the energy.o_O
So whatever:rolleyes: , you win,...:rolleyes: feel good now? :lol: This is
just a cyberspace forum. get a grip ha ha!

I suck and you're badass. :rolleyes:
You defended your dawg and proved how loyal and hardcore you are.:lol: :rolleyes:
Maybe Chris will give you a ribbon.....down for life dawg :rolleyes:
what a joke! you're such a tosser!:lol:

Now go back to doing your crack with those ghetto brothas
in Downtown Oakland or Hunters Point or whatever rock you
crawled out from under

What's really funny is, in real life, I know who you are tough guy :rolleyes:
and seen you around and seen pics of you :puke: and
you resemble the dumbass in your ass clown picture.
Self portrait? :lol:

See ya later Jerry.

Good luck at the free clinic

Pyrus- Ignore Jerry, he's a joke and he'll go away.
You owned him in your post.
OfficerNice said:
You know what Jerry I didnt read any of your rambling.
You talk way too much and there were just too many words to
even bother.
It's terrible being illiterate. You should really pay more attention in school and less time pretending to be important on Testament's board. The truth is, I think you can read exactly what I wrote. It's just that you've been owned and have nothing to counter with except more juvenille insults.

It just looked like an endless heap
of blah blah blah and I dont have the energy.
uh ha. :lol: You keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll be able to sleep at night. Whatever works for you little kid.

So whatever:rolleyes: , you win,... feel good now? This is
just a cyberspace forum. get a grip ha ha!

I know it's a cyberspace forum. Thank you for stating the obvious. Perhaps you should take your own advice? Because it's a cyberspace forum, do you believe that it's okay to slander people?

I suck and you're badass. :rolleyes:
You defended your dawg and proved how loyal and hardcore you are.:lol: :rolleyes:
Maybe Chris will give you a ribbon.....down for life dawg :rolleyes:
what a joke! you're such a tosser!

Yes, I'm a joke but you're the one that's been owned as you are clearly at a loss for words. This is your last resort. Mindless insults. :lol: And TOSSER? :lol: You went from talking like mallcore kid to talking like a Brit? Find an identity, kid. Seriously. As you would say..."so sad, so sad".

Now go back to doing your crack with those ghetto brothas
in Downtown Oakland or Hunters Point or whatever rock you
crawled out from under

:lol: Are you saying I use crack?

What's really funny is, in real life, I know who you are tough guy :rolleyes:

Really? Well who are you? I'll be at Exodus. Please come up and introduce yourself. Oh, that's right. you can't get in because you're only 15 years old. Well, please come up and introduce yourself at the next all ages show. I know it's pretty easy to talk tough and say stupid things on message boards but it always amazes me how nice those same people are when they meet me face to face. :lol:

and seen you around and seen pics of you :puke: and
you resemble the dumbass in your ass clown picture.
Self portrait? :lol:

You can tell me all about it person.

See ya later Jerry.

Good luck at the free clinic

I'm sorry? What are you implying?

Pyrus- Ignore Jerry, he's a joke and he'll go away.
You owned him in your post.

No I won't and no he didn't. :) Why don't you two get a room? You make a cute couple.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
No I won't and no he didn't. :)
Why don't you two get a room? You make a cute couple.
Jerry, I hate to break it to you, but you're a funny guy. You keep
crackin insults and more insults. and Pyrus was right you recycle a lot of
them! I read your past posts and I figured you out. You've got 112 posts.
Most of them are in the testament board, half of them involve discussion
with DE, and a majority of your posts are all TOTT and TFTP related.
You're the only who talks about the TFTP board. So that means, you're
old, you know bay area metal, and you were involved with either somehow.
Just like math, what's the common denominator? All you posts you talk
a lot of shit and act like a fuckin prick and then say you're havin fun
(which you having fun at other peoples expenses) and then it to came
to me, you were standing next to Billy Milano in a pic, so now I know
you're just trying to be a Billy Milano wannabe and that makes you

Hannibal=Jerry Allen.

Usually what you accuse other people of, you're guilty of yourself.
So accusing all of us of being gay, makes you an in the closet queer.
You can own what you want to own. I dont care. Big Fucking Whoop.
You're an ass to everyone on this board, I've read your posts. I dont
take you seriously. You may be an internet ghoul, but you're just
a bunch of hot air.

But I'll tell you this. I dont care one fuck about all your nonsense because
you don't matter. It was Marcus Aurilleus who said, you will soon forget
everything, because everything will soon forget you.

Meet you in person so we can fight? What is this? 6th grade out back
by the bike racks? OH PLEASE! ACT YOUR AGE! :lol: :rolleyes: I'll tell you this, if you
think you can bounce back in here and talk all your shit without any
reprocussions, then take your best shot, bring your noise and all your
best insults. Consider Yourself WARNED.
OfficerNice said:
Jerry, I hate to break it to you, but you're a funny guy. You keep
crackin insults and more insults. and Pyrus was right you recycle a lot of
them! I read your past posts and I figured you out.

:lol: I'm sorry but this thread was about you calling Chris Kontos a liar. Not me or my posting habits. Although I deeply appreciate your assessment of my posting history, I find that it is you who is sadly predictable. When at a loss, go for a personal attack and change the subject. Well, you can save the personal attack for when we meet and then you can tell me all about it in person. :lol: Because really, you got owned for saying some dumb shit about Kontos and now you are cornered and scared like a quivering little piss poodle and your only recourse is to make the thread about something different and take the heat off yourself. I'm sorry but you can fire off all the nonsense you want. It doesn't matter. It's so stupid and off base it's not even worth addressing. What matters is how stupid you will look when I find out who YOU are and both Chris and myself ask you to repeat your silly internet babble to our faces. Do you have the balls or are you just what I'm calling you? A cowardly internet pussy. :lol:

Consider Yourself WARNED.

:lol::lol::lol: Ahahahahahahahahaha!
Hannibal666Lecter said:
:lol: I'm sorry but this thread was about you calling Chris Kontos a liar. Not me or my posting habits. Although I deeply appreciate your assessment of my posting history, I find that it is you who is sadly predictable. When at a loss, go for a personal attack and change the subject. Well, you can save the personal attack for when we meet and then you can tell me all about it in person. :lol: Because really, you got owned for saying some dumb shit about Kontos and now you are cornered and scared like a quivering little piss poodle and your only recourse is to make the thread about something different and take the heat off yourself. I'm sorry but you can fire off all the nonsense you want. It doesn't matter. It's so stupid and off base it's not even worth addressing. What matters is how stupid you will look when I find out who YOU are and both Chris and myself ask you to repeat your silly internet babble to our faces. Do you have the balls or are you just what I'm calling you? A cowardly internet pussy. :lol:
Oh, so now 2 big 35/40 year old guys are gonna beat up on a 15year
old? Oh My God.

Bike Racks 4pm!
OfficerNice said:
Oh, so now 2 big 35/40 year old guys are gonna beat up on a 15year
old? Oh My God.

Bike Racks 4pm!


WTF? I thought you said you were from the BA and had moved to Boston? The way you were making it sound is you were in your 30s, and had grown up in the scene..... so what's the deal?
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