Chris Stanley from Zimmers Hole - dead

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Jed Simon JUST posted this on his MySpace:

"Chris easy My Friend.
With unbelievable sadness, we've lost another soldier.

Chris Stanley, I type this it all seems too unreal to me, but I know better. It's going to hurt even more, soon.

Chris has been a friend to me for over 20 years. He's been a friend, a mentor, and a peer. He was one talented motherfucker, that's for sure.
Add to that, funny--that guy could get a crowd onto a frenzy of laughter...a certain moment from the Dynamo festival and Chris acting a little too retarded comes to mind.
Add to that, whipcrackin' smart...he KNEW shit.

What he has left is a legacy of music, laughter, artwork and special effects, movie props, funny pictures, not funny pictures, nuns running scared everywhere, and more stuff than I could ever get into here. But it's all in my head, and it will all never be forgotten. I MISS YOU SO MUCH ALREADY CHRIS.
To Scarlet, his wife, and to all of his family, my condolences...I know how much he meant to me, I can't begin to imagine how much he meant to you. All my love.

My trusty old Gibson flying V has your flames on it...they will always be there bro...and every time I look at that guitar(as I am right now), or pick it up and hammer the fuck out of it, you are with me Chris.

With Horns Higher than I've ever Held them, I love ya man.
We all fuckin love ya man.
Wherever you go from here brother, I know that you will raise the bar, and a few eyebrows...heavenly or otherwise.

from the Zimmers Hole myspace:

"I don't know where or how to start...other than to say we are all deeply saddened at the loss of one of our own, Chris Stanley.

Chris is a Zimmers Hole alumni, he played guitar for us during the Legion Of Flames era, and more zany moments occurred when he was around than I care to try and remember.

He has had a long battle with the many complications, and the day-to-day life battles with Cystic Fibrosis, Pneumonia(many times), a double lung transplant and the myriad of issues that arise with that. He has battled back so many times, and it just crushes our hearts that he couldn't pull through this time."

jesus christ, that guy definitely had a bunch of problems
Having things wrong with your lungs is the worst, most utterly helpless feeling in the world :(

I hear ya Kevin. For one whole month last year I had an infection in my lungs and I couldn't breath at all. Unless I was lying flat on my back. If I was sitting or standing I could only draw like half breaths which didn't give me enough oxygen (I felt that) I need and it was really fucking horrible if it wouldn't have cleared up I would have killed myself no question.

Double Lung transplant? I didn't even know that was possible, that is fucked. Cystic Fibrosis is a shitty thing to be born with too...
I forgot that you had lung issues, too. Seems like yours have been better, though.
Yeah I've felt great for last couple years. Before, I would freak out at any sign of awkwardness on the left side of my chest and in those days I was certain that my life would never be normal again and that I'd be living in constant fear or that I'd simply not be able to do certain things that everyone else can anymore, like sports or exercise or anything physically active. That was a terrible feeling, but as time went on I felt better and better eventually I returned to normal. When I started jiu-jitsu, I was scared that putting such demand on all parts of my body wouldn't be good for it, but I feel even better now than I did before I started bjj.

It was more or less a decision I made with myself that I was going to do whatever the fuck I wanted to and whatever happened because of it... just happens. If my lungs collapse again, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I don't like living in fear or limiting myself anymore. I'm gonna do what I want and deal with any consequences.

I wonder why this guy had to have both of his lungs transplanted? Goddamn, I thought what I went through was bad.

RIP again.
^ Good for you man, I can only imagine how scary it would be to have lung problems, let alone TWO lung transplants like this guy.
^ Good for you man, I can only imagine how scary it would be to have lung problems, let alone TWO lung transplants like this guy.

Ever since my ordeal, and especially for about the first year or two after it happened, every time I looked at someone I thought "that person has absolutely NO IDEA how amazing it is to have two fully functioning lungs... they don't even realize it, they don't even ever think about it."

Scary, scary, stuff.
My niece's cousin had CF she had a double lung transplant at 24. Things seemed perfect for the first month until the tissue rejection killed the lungs, froze them up. She passed away right after that. Her whole life was a struggle with CF, long hospital stays all the time.
Tough thing to have for sure.