Chris, what are you using live?

Lone Justice

New Metal Member
Jul 19, 2010
I just saw you in Atlanta October 1st, and I'm interested to know what you're using live. When I saw the Sofia concert in the theater and the live show, it seems like you're getting a much wider variety of tones and clearer effects than I can imagine coming from a couple of mic'd up cabinets, so I'm thinking there must be a modeler at work. (A friend who went backstage told me Anthrax is using rack units straight to the P.A. for easier setup and breakdown). If so, is it your DigiTech Studio Quad, or something else? I was hearing things that sounded like 1x12 amps, 4x12's, Mesa-Boogies, Marshall Plexis, and the delays and reverbs sounded studio clean. I even started wondering if you guys were miming to the CD, but after my friend told me about Anthrax's modelers I thought, "Ohhh!" Whatever you're using...I think I wanna get one! Thank you.
I still stand by that statement..I ve had over the years pretty much every amp out there that I have wanted except a BOGNER UBER or an ENGL POWERBALL.. I dont want to lug around all those amps anymore.....