Christian fundermentalisum

Iron Zombius

Sep 6, 2007
And these guys are landing on our shores for world youth day? From the doco "Jesus Camp" currently screening on the movie network on foxtel

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I assumed the bad spelling was on purpose, like when people type "your" instead of "you're". Surely there aren't still people who really get it wrong?
I don't know which spelling your referring to, but your probably right, Spiffo.

"Excuse me, but we have the truth". That ol' chestnut. Their loony truth is better than the other loony truth.
more ramblings from "jesus camp"

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Bigoted theophobes...

a bigot is some one who is against and intolerant of other faiths and beliefs and opinions, so that think it's superfluous statement.


but that's the nature of religion really.

"My invisible friend is better then your invisible friend and I will make you suffer for not believing in my invisible friend".

but those Jesus Camp people really scare me.
especially the way they don't blink when they talk about Jesu.

the worst part is when they indoctrinate all the children against homosexuality, abortion and Harry Potter by yelling at them and brow beating them, saying how wrong they are if they disagree with what they are saying.

it doesn't allow for any thought or freedom and only offers and distorted view of the faith filtered through a tiny window on The Word.

I honestly don't think I've met a single fundamentalist who know the Bible past a few bits or even the majority of what Jesu said or taught.
that fact came to light to me when I helped a friend who been converted Bible Bashing go back to a more normal way because he fell in love with a Pagan girl and was told by all his Christian friends that he would burn in hell if he dated her because she wasn't of the faith.
At least he had a brain and could get out -not many others have the chance unfortunately.:(:mad:
saw some of these in Canberra today just a heap of pimpley faced kids with sweatshirts saying "enjoy the New Testament " which i thought was very Ironic as I listened to the New Testament CD today at work
saw some of these in Canberra today just a heap of pimpley faced kids with sweatshirts saying "enjoy the New Testament " which i thought was very Ironic as I listened to the New Testament CD today at work

Of course you were enjoying the new Testament. Only not in the way they meant. :headbang::headbang::kickass::kickass:
And these guys are landing on our shores for world youth day? From the doco "Jesus Camp" currently screening on the movie network on foxtel

Christian fundies = Islamic fundies. Other than the symbol they worship, there's no real difference whatsoever. Sometimes I wish the "Rapture" would hurry up and get these wingnuts off the planet and leave the rest of us in peace.
agnimal...they intend to take the rest of us with them.

I worked with a very well educated and intelligent engineer for a while. I was discussing conservation with him, and he made a very blunt point that Conservation was not required, as the Lord had provided just enough of everything to get us to the end days.