Christian Metal

No, but I see your point. This is why I don't typically post in these forums. :Smug:

Don't let them spoil your experience here. There is a select bunch that will be dickheads to newbies because...well they're dickheads. l'm usually harsh to the more veteran of the bunch...the equalizing force so to speak. ;)

Sampled the material...sounds promising...especially if you're going into a more complex direction. l wish you luck.:rock:
Maybe so, but if I got on here slamming his band to get a rise out of him, odds are he wouldn't appreciate it. Plus, he'd have a dozen people come to his rescue. Basically, trying to get a rise out of people by degrading what they believe in is as lame as he is. Maybe, the rest of the band members need to convince him to have some manners from now on.


I don't understand by what you mean with "the rest of the band members"?
Me and Jon are the only members of my band who have posted thus far. But, whenever a topic involving religion, particularly Christianity, get brought up, these type of comments are the norm , and from my life's experience I find that not playing into it is the best policy. You can say whatever you want about my faith and it rolls off of me.However, I do apperciate your zeal to keep things amicable.:)
But, the scene sufferd a good bit due to all sorts of stupid crap. Not the least of which were people forming Christian bands to try and "make it " quicker. The scene got whored out pretty band in the 90's, and a lot of people turned away from the scene(and the church)in whole.I still approach that scene with trepedation(I am still Christian though).

I can really appreciate this point. I generally will read most of the lyrics of any new band Christian metal act I'm getting into, and try to get a feel for the band as a whole. Typically you can read sincerity in the lyrics if it's there.

Demon Hunter actually has a song titled Sixteen that references this particular thing: Bands trying to cash in on the Christian Metal market to make it big, but not following the path they sing about, and the harm it can cause.

All that aside, no music gets me more pumped :).
I don't understand by what you mean with "the rest of the band members"?
Me and Jon are the only members of my band who have posted thus far. But, whenever a topic involving religion, particularly Christianity, get brought up, these type of comments are the norm , and from my life's experience I find that not playing into it is the best policy. You can say whatever you want about my faith and it rolls off of me.However, I do apperciate your zeal to keep things amicable.:)

Well, I'm going to say this and it will be my last comment regarding our debate here. Anytime someone says something against what another person believes in strongly, simply to get a rise out of him/her, is uncalled for. With that said, if a person is going to do it, then that person should man up and admit to it. Instead, in this case, a friend came up behind the person's post to "sugarcoat" what he had posted. Please! :rolleyes:

You can say whatever you want about my faith and it rolls off of me.

Apparently, you're a better man than I am. I use to think this way, but not anymore. :kickass:

Well, I'm going to say this and it will be my last comment regarding our debate here. Anytime someone says something against what another person believes in strongly, simply to get a rise out of him/her, is uncalled for. With that said, if a person is going to do it, then that person should man up and admit to it. Instead, in this case, a friend came up behind the person's post to "sugarcoat" what he had posted. Please! :rolleyes:

Apparently, you're a better man than I am. I use to think this way, but not anymore. :kickass:


Hmmmm, okay. Your entitled to your opinion, and I did'nt "sugarcoat" anything. I don't agree with his post. It was just transparent to me what the intent was(I've been though it a million times in my life, I have been a proffesing Christian since age 7)and I laughed it off. I don't think what we have here is a debate going, just a mere difference in reactions.
I'm not much of a poster in this forum (or any others really)...more of a watcher from beyond, but I'm going to use this opportunity for a shameless plug for a band I'm been playing bass with for a few months now.

We are a Christian prog metal band that I feel has a bright future. The songs on the myspace site were written and recorded before I was involved. The newer stuff we are writing is generally heavier and much more complex. Any opinions are greatly appreciated.


I listened to your songs. I like what I hear. Good luck with your new material!

By the way, any band from Mount Airy, North Carolina, gets a thumbs up from me. That's Andy Griffith country!

Some Christian metal & rock bands I enjoy:

Barren Cross
Rob rock
Die Happy
Thousand Foot Krutch
Demon Hunter
Day Of Fire
The Showdown
Arc (RIP)
Destroying Darkness (RIP)
Living Sacrifice
Covered In Scars
Rent Veil
Beyond Bethel
Awake The Suffering
I forgot a few bands that I loved: Saint, Mass, Scattered Few, The Lead, Mortal, Detritus, Crimson Thorn.
No Jon, no flame war here. I'm too tired for that.:)

Hehehe, just funny to watch. This subject gets a lot of people riled up for some reason.

Oh, and....THE LEAD????????????????????????????????????????? Puh-leeze. The worst band, ever, except maybe Crayon. I'll have to rag on you about that one. =)

**cracks up** I was sitting here with Ann and wrote the above. Then, I asked her "who is the worst band in the history of the world?" She thinks about it a sec.....then said "Crayon". I had already typed the above. Hysterical. Pathetic that they turned into Joe Christmas and signed to Tooth & Nail, they were hideous.
I am glad to see so many people putting The Showdown in there list, those are a great bunch of guys, and I believe they have came along way, and just wish the best for them.

oh, and thanks for clearing that up about Random Eyes, I will have to check them out now.:rock:
I go away for a few days and come back to a thread that I actually want to reply to! Who knew? :lol:

Like Tamplin.....anyone remember "Radio Bikini", I mean, "Livin On A Prayer"? .... Mortification hasn't come out with anything listenable since probably "Primitive Rhythm Machine", and some would argue that he hasn't since "Scrolls Of The Megilloth". I gotta respect the guy - I've met him and he's a really nice genuine guy - and his story of surviving cancer is inspiring too - but the material....not so much.

Ken Tamplin and Mortification.... oh where do I begin? Mortification was the first metal band I really got into in a big way, and subsequently a majority of the bands on Rowe Productions. Blood World was my firt Mort disc, but I think my favorite is EnVision EvAngeline or Hammer of God, if you can believe that. PRM was terrific of course, as was SotM.

I actually thought the Trick or Treat disc was a move into a more original direction, and I hope you understand my commemnts are not personal(they were quite nice guys), it was just MMwas HUGE right then, and I have a hard time believing they had not taken a few ques. But, if they didn't want Manosn references, they got them anyway as almost every review of themthat I ad read had it. BTW, what are they up to(if anything)?

No offense taken ;-) I've been championing their cause for over a decade now, it's a reflex at this point. :lol: They went through a lot of changes, broke up, and are now "back together" working on a new album, remixing a few old songs, and making a short animated movie.

I noticed you have Joy Electric in your playlist box, they are one of my guilty pleasures.You can't be in a bad mood when you listen to them!:lol:
Guilty as charged! Joy Electric is very high on my all-time-favorites list. They're certainly not for everyone, but I love the harmonies, lyrics, and the fact that everything is analog! They have a few songs that are quite unhappy, to say the least. I love the drastic contrast of upbeat melodies with horribly depressing lyrics in "Hansel", "Burgundy Years", and "We Are Rock". "Five Stars For Failure" is a masterpiece. Glad to see someone else here knows who Joy Electric is and can appreciate them too! :tickled:

hey, does anyone get this reference: "One Bad Pig!Oink!!"
Of course! "Who do you think invented punk?" :lol: I even got to see the One Bad Pig reunion show at Cornerstone Fest a few years back. That was a riot!

I played a band on WREKage last night as part of my "damn it's cold" theme called Immortal Souls who are tagged as Christian. CoB-like sound from Finland, which is odd. Not the CoB sound, but I can't think of too many Christian bands from that part of the world.
By "that part of the world" do you mean Finland specifically, or Scandanavia in general? If the second, there is definitely a list of good ones to choose from, starting with Immortal Souls. I can make a list if you'd like :-)

Oh I nearly forgot, Theres an amazing christian metal band called Teramaze from Melbourne Australia who had a great rockin power metal cd out called Tears to Dust. It would definitely suit alot of the people on this board. Anyone know of them?

Yup, Teramaze is pretty cool. I really like the Tears to Dust album, but haven't heard anything from them since. Did they even release a second album? I was going to mention them but didn't think anyone would have known their name. Glad to be proven wrong, as I have been with numerous bands mentioned so far that I thought were too obscure for this crowd. Pleasantly surprised, even. :cool:

Crimson Moonlight
Holy Blood (they're ok)
Immortal Souls
War of Ages (live)
With Blood Comes Cleansing

Great list!! Don't know Holy Blood or War of Ages though.

Did you ever get into Charlie Peacock's album Stragelanguage? very Gabriel-esque in places.
Here are more bands(I was DEEP in the scene): Dighayzoose(the Magentamantalovetree disc was wierd and progressive)
Frank's Enenmy
Randy Rose(the Healing album is good, his other stuff, not so much)
The Showdown

anyone here like some Larry Norman? saw him live too..........:goggly:

Dighayzoose!!!! I LOVE that CD! Just like you, I was DEEP in the scene too. So far, only 4 bands mentioned in the entire thread that I don't know or don't have something to say about. :lol: Feels like I'm digging in the back of the closet, bring out old memories. Glad to see GROMS mentioned. I love the whole Northern Lights comp and pretty much anything that came out of that camp. Bonus point if you know what GROMS stands for - NO GOOGLING! :p

I've seen Larry Norman live too. I like him quite a bit, right along with Glenn Kaiser and Rez/Ressurection Band. One year at Cornerstone I went from Glenn Kaiser

A couple of the more prog-metal type of Christian bands that I haven't seen anyone mention yet (or at least I don't remember them being mentioned, but I'm old and forgetful) is Veni Domine or Mehida. I've seen a couple of my personal favorites like War of Ages and Jacob's Dream and thanks to Pellaz for bringing up Becoming the Archetype! Also, if anyone is into the "retro" type of prog rock sound, you may want to give Flagship (members of Narnia) a listen - great Kansas feel to their music.

I don't know this band. Are they still around?

Hail! Fun thread! I'm a christian who likes a ton of different metal styles. Favorite xian bands include:

Crimson Moonlight
Living Sacrifice
Soul Embraced
Saviour Machine
Virgin Black
Balance of Power
...and a ton of others already mentioned.
How are Rackets & Drapes NOT on YOUR list too? *crosses arms, taps foot* :Smug:

Tourniquet and the Rez Band (aka Resurrection Band)
The "Blues Heaven" compilation from Glenn Kaiser and Rez/Ressurection Band is one of my favorite CDs of all time. Some of the best blues music I've ever heard!

I forgot a few bands that I loved: Saint, Mass, Scattered Few, The Lead, Mortal, Detritus, Crimson Thorn.
No Jon, no flame war here. I'm too tired for that.:)

Scaterd Few and Mortal! Now there are two bands that deserved more attention than they got! Mortal's Fathom album was the first "heavy Christian music" I heard. I went from White Zombie to Rebecca St. James when I joined the church, so I was delighted to find something a little more rockin' ;) I found some old clips of a live Mortal show on youtube. It would have been amazing to see them live. Fold Zandura (feat. Jyro & Jerome from Mortal) was great as well! Very proggy but up-beat and lighter than Mortal.

Day Of Fire
The Showdown
These are the other two bands mentioned here that I don't know at all. Got any recommendations on where to start with them?

Oh, and....THE LEAD????????????????????????????????????????? Puh-leeze. The worst band, ever, except maybe Crayon. I'll have to rag on you about that one. =)
I gotta agree ont his one! :lol:
Yup, Teramaze is pretty cool. I really like the Tears to Dust album, but haven't heard anything from them since. Did they even release a second album? I was going to mention them but didn't think anyone would have known their name. Glad to be proven wrong, as I have been with numerous bands mentioned so far that I thought were too obscure for this crowd. Pleasantly surprised, even. :cool:

I know they had 2 albums out originally. I forget the name of the first one but remember it being a bit thrashier than Tears to Dust-which me and a few mates thought was a fairly impressive release from an unknown Aussie christian metal band.

I remember finding a third release which was an EP. I was disappointed because the songs went in an alternate direction. I think it also had a live song or 2 from Tears to Dust.

The band are back together and are recording an album and are doing a few shows. They have a myspace with some samples of new material which seem to be taking a somewhat heavier power metal style.
I know they had 2 albums out originally. I forget the name of the first one but remember it being a bit thrashier than Tears to Dust-which me and a few mates thought was a fairly impressive release from an unknown Aussie christian metal band.

I remember finding a third release which was an EP. I was disappointed because the songs went in an alternate direction. I think it also had a live song or 2 from Tears to Dust.

The band are back together and are recording an album and are doing a few shows. They have a myspace with some samples of new material which seem to be taking a somewhat heavier power metal style.

Thanks for the update! It would be pretty great if a new release materialized from Teramaze. I'll have to check up on the second and third releases!

Wow... I think sh0kr0k must have set some sort of UM record, with 15 different quotes, from multiple posters. I'm humbled by her point and click supremacy.


:lol: I could have done them all as individual replies, thus padding my post count, but that would be annoying.

If only everyone knew the power of the Multiple Quote button.
I don't know this band. Are they still around?

Re KJ-52, I probably shouldn't have included him in my list, because he's a rapper, but he tours with rock bands (like Kutless and Disciple) all the time and there's a fair amount of crossover in that part of the Christian music market.

I can sum him up in two words: Christian Eminem. He gained some notoriety a few years back when he made a song called Dear Slim which was an open letter to Eminem.

[/end non-metal segue]
Dighayzoose!!!! I LOVE that CD! Just like you, I was DEEP in the scene too. So far, only 4 bands mentioned in the entire thread that I don't know or don't have something to say about. :lol: Feels like I'm digging in the back of the closet, bring out old memories. Glad to see GROMS mentioned. I love the whole Northern Lights comp and pretty much anything that came out of that camp. Bonus point if you know what GROMS stands for - NO GOOGLING! :p

God Riegns Over My Soul
I read that in Heaven's Metal when they first came about.
Were ever into Klank?