Christmas Metal Symphony


Threshold Fan since 1989
Feb 15, 2007
Scotland (Borders)
Damian at the Christmas Metal Symphony

This Is Your Life

Ayreon - Into The Black Hole


Anyone seen a clip of DW singing The Trooper?
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I heard that cos of the weather only 300 people bothered to show up, shame really. I didn't have money for a ticket, otherwise I'd have gone. Justin told me it was pretty awesome :)
I had tickets, but was unable to make it due to the heavy snow. Initially I was quite disappointed, but when I saw the setlist a few days later, I wasn't that disappointed anymore.

During the first CMS, there was an emphasis on songs of the bands/projects the singers were part of (or had once been part of), with a few covers of "classic" bands like Enter Sandman by Metallica, Paranoid by Black Sabbath, and a Sepultura song.

In this 2009 edition, there seems to be a big emphasis on the "classic" bands. Of course I knew the songs by Lacuna Coil, Threshold, Ayreon, Epica, Delain, etc... but I don't really care much for Iron Maiden, Metallica, Malmsteen, Slayer, Accept, AC/DC, etc. Plus I've never heard of Sabaton before.

Not my thing. I'm not sure if I'll go next year. I think that the current formula will have trouble beating the first CMS.
Come on guys, a little more creativity. I would've loved to hear Mats sing a Krux song, or have Damian and Cristina sing...I don't know... A Perfect Circle or something. They can all do better than getting stuck in the same old "classics are everything!" nonsense. Classics may be important, and may be more well-known, but that doesn't mean they're the best. There are many unknown extremely underrated bands with great music out there.
Hello to all the Clones & Freaks,

has anybody information if there is a european tour planned in 2010 ???

( I hope it fits to this thread, because I found no other recent Live-Thread...)

By the way, I really could imagine a double-headliner tour of Theshold with Iced Earth, could be pretty cool... I know despite the musical differences Iced Earth has other or as some say even no lyrical statements, but why not?

Anyway, keep on threshing!!! :headbang: