Christmas Present Wishlist

i want rip-apart-ref from argos so i stop breaking things when premiership officials balls-up.....ref makes bad looses arm...

i already got an early present...a trampoline :D the PQ forum got pictures :yuk: SOOOO good for playing drunken guitar hero on :D
???? You're a Chelski fan!!! What do you need a ref for? Most decisions go your way anyhow! Or is the ref for those moments you feel sorry for the opposition when Chelski get yet another free kick/penalty as D. Drogba leaps majestically through the air after a bruising challenge from a burly defender that almost managed to barely scrape him in the slightest?

For Christmas, Mr. Santa, I would like world peace, harmony on earth, goodwill to everyone, and a cheque for £1000,000, made payable to me. If that's too much to ask for, well we'll just have to do without world peace, harmony on earth and goodwill to everyone.

Or I could do with a new water pistol.

Or train set.

Or scalextric. Mine's buggered.

Or new moutain bike.

Or Lego. Lego rocks.

Or the new Transformers toys G1 re-issues.

Or Han's trampoline, as that sounds fun.

Or a camera, to point at Han's trampoline when she's bouncing.

Let's stop there...
^:lol: :lol: :lol:
I kinda know what I'm getting, cos it's too large to hide lol: a couple of guitar hard cases for my Les Paul and Strat. Add that to the pedal board and wireless transmitter/receiver kit I got for my birthday last week, and I pretty much have a professional set-up now. Huzzah! :headbang:
I would like a mega, jumbo, party sized, feed-a-family-for-a-week sized packet of Kettle crisps, salt and crushed black pepper flavour, ALL TO MYSELF! Peace in this household if not quite on earth. Not too sure how Santa is going to get the packet down the chimney though...

Sorry Muppet, our Christmas pressie to you is nothing off your list, but I'll happily have it back. And buy you a water pistol!

You didn't say what you wanted Sean. Or do we have to guess...?

Belinda x
I would like a mega, jumbo, party sized, feed-a-family-for-a-week sized packet of Kettle crisps, salt and crushed black pepper flavour, ALL TO MYSELF!

i want one of those too :(

neil, you can bounce on my trampoline anytime you want :) id be upset by your chelsea remarks but you like lego so you clearly rule..

i know what sean wants for xmas...........................................:yuk:
Yeah thanks Han :p I'm innocent as usual :saint:

Actually i've already had rather a good Christmas Present but i can't tell anyone about it yet :cool:

I've been told i've got something great and that it's what i want lined up by my good lady so i'll have to take her word on it... :lol:
Other than a visit from Tawny Roberts (And 6 of her friends) i'm rather un-demanding this year... which is strange as i'm sure i haven't got quite all i want in life yet :cool:
see sean ur lucky, u have kids which means you can buy REALLY awesome toys 'for the kids' and then just play with them yourself...i remember when i got a mega drive for xmas and my dad stole it...pffffffff!! and the year i got a brio thomas the tank train set and my dad spent all xmas day playing with it, so i told on him and my mum took it off him :lol: and even a few years back when i got a PS2 and now i cant take it to uni because my dad has laid claim to it...aparently "its a fathers prerogative to steal their childrens toys"...:yuk:
i never got one :( i used to go to one of my mates houses when i was little and play with hers wishing it was mine...her rents were SO rich and bought her anything she wanted, and then she never played with any of it..what a waste aye?! i played with her toys more than she did...