Chuck Schuldiner Tribute Stealth ...

Yes it is, I love it. I bought it last month at the Sam Ash in Buffalo Grove for $599 new. Although the price comes with it's disadvantages, it comes with no case, it needs a set up really bad and some messin with the thrusrod, I have to take it to a shop sometime soon.

It plays very fast although the neck is a lot thicker than other 6 strings that I've played.

Overall Super Great buy for that price.

Sweet, I'll have to hop over to that Sam Ash on my lunch break one day and check it out.
I was once was in a Slayer trib band were I wasn't singing. Yeah those shows got boring VERY fast.

at least you had a rick, judging by your avatar :)

i sold this :cry:


my current baby... taking it out to rock in 2 weeks, my band is playing on my birthday haha:

btw will i had no idea you played. that traben looks pretty good, never heard of that luthier. something i should know?
at least you had a rick, judging by your avatar :)

i sold this :cry:

my current baby... taking it out to rock in 2 weeks, my band is playing on my birthday haha:

That's an awseome Ric! Why the hell would you sell it?!?!?! I had a B.C. Rich Warlock at the time which made it even worse since that thing was neck heavy and I had to hold it the whole time, otherwise it would swing and hit the floor.
it wasn't too good, needed the money, and by now i really need the low B... when i graduate and get a decent job i'll get myself another ric for sure

Schector Stiletto Custom 5. Had it for about two years now, and I love it. I convinced the guy at the shop to give it to me for $150 less than it was marked. Awesome.
Schector Stiletto Custom 5. Had it for about two years now, and I love it. I convinced the guy at the shop to give it to me for $150 less than it was marked. Awesome.

I use the Elite 5 for roundwound parts. I like it quite a bit, although I wish the back of the neck was not lacquered/finished. Other than that ...

Planning to check out the fretless version of the Studio 5 once it's available next month. (Finally.)