Church of Australian Metal


Approximately Infinite Universe
May 22, 2015
The Wildflower State

Speaks for itself.

Worship some Australian metal, talk about your favourites, recommend stuff or ask for recommendations and maybe shed light on olde forgotten gems or new overlooked gems.

I'll kick it off with something I think is underrated as fugg!

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Speaks for itself.

Worship some Australian metal, talk about your favourites, recommend stuff or ask for recommendations and maybe shed light on olde forgotten gems or new overlooked gems.

I'll kick it off with something I think is underrated as fugg!

That song is cool. It reminds me of D666.

The Wizar'd is cool. I got into them from a recommendation that you gave me a while back.

Taramis is the shit. The best Fates Warning-esque band that isn't Fates Warning.

I've only heard that first album, what's the second like?

By the way are you a fan of Mortal Sin?

That song is cool. It reminds me of D666.

The Wizar'd is cool. I got into them from a recommendation that you gave me a while back.

The Wizar'd are bombdotcom man. Glad you dug it. Raven Black Knight are another cool Australian doom band, as long as you stear clear of everything after the debut. The rest is mediocre shite.
I've only heard that first album, what's the second like?

By the way are you a fan of Mortal Sin?

It's kind of somewhere between No Exit and Perfect Symmetry. Thrashy but still very melodic, and overall cleaner. I won't say it's an amazing album, I have a bias towards tech-thrash and old school prog metal in general, but it's still pretty damn good imo.

I never liked the first Mortal Sin album, but during the period when Exodus was my favorite thing ever, I loved their second album. Haven't heard it in a long time though.
Is this album even rated among progressive/experimental/weird death metal aficionado types? I think it rules hard.

It's kind of somewhere between No Exit and Perfect Symmetry. Thrashy but still very melodic, and overall cleaner. I won't say it's an amazing album, I have a bias towards tech-thrash and old school prog metal in general, but it's still pretty damn good imo.

Better than the debut?

I should probably just go to youtube.

I never liked the first Mortal Sin album, but during the period when Exodus was my favorite thing ever, I loved their second album. Haven't heard it in a long time though.

That's funny I'm the exact opposite! I can't stand that goofy piece of shit sophomore.
You know, I've listened to Alchemist's early demos a bunch of times but never bothered listening to that first album. That song sounds pretty damn weird and cool, will have to check the full thing out.

No, Queen of Thieves is still better imo. It's like a solid 9/10 against a solid 7/10.

The first one is goofy too, it just doesn't realize it. DA BAT-O! O' LEB A NON! Silly Anglo people and their sillier accents.
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That first song sounds much goofier. Really stupid riff that sounds like an intended 4/4 riff they accidentally stretched out too far without knowing what they were doing (the first Slayer albums suffers from that too) combined with that drumming, I mean holy shit that's bad, and the pseudo-harsh vocals in the chorus are pretty silly too. It's just amateur as fuck, but not really intense/aggressive enough to sell it like an early Sep or Sodom could. The second one has that snotty Americanized preachiness, but it still sounds serious and competent.
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Armoured Angel and Sacriphyx are probably my two favourite Aussie metal bands. Armoured Angel, in particular, were an unstoppable riff machine
They headlined one of the first all-ages gigs I went to when I was about 16:
Was an awesome gig. I was in awe. Acheron (later Abramelin) had a pigs head on a large upside down cross in the middle of the stage. I dug all the Melbourne bands more than Armoured Angel but they were pretty good. I remember the guitarist had his Flying V plugged straight in to his Marshall stack with no effects, just using the amp distortion and everyone else was using a thousand metal zone pedals.

From that gig:


For me, Destroyer 666 have always been the ultimate Australian heavy metal band, the last two albums are a bit hit and miss but their absolute best moments from Unchain... through to Terror Abraxas are simply untouchable.

As for newer bands, The Wizar'd and Sacriphyx are right up there with anything I could name from another country in the last ten years. The track Malign Paragdim posted before, AJ Shout VC is just sublime, that solo gets me every time.

Special mention too to Stargazer. I remember listening to A Great Work of Ages for the first time camped somewhere near the WA/NT border as the sun was going down, the music truly captured the isolation perfectly.
Ignivomous are pretty good filthy death metal, I used to work with their guitarist and we talked about old Melbourne metal a lot. They absolutely worshipped the bands in my previous post. He gave me their first demo tape.
Speaking of Destroyer 666 and K.K. Warslut, Bestial Warlust, though they were only here for a brief time, is easily Australia's greatest black metal outfit, hands down.
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