

Problem Yet to be Solved
Jun 2, 2008
Great Plains of the U.S.
I'll fly at you, bruv.

I recently inherited a gorgeous lacquered cedar humidor, and a few choice cigars from my father's collection. Supply's running a little low, I know. Since we have some upstanding blokes in this corner of the internet, it seemed logical that at least a few of us can generate a decent conversation about one of life's finer things. None of that short-leaf Black n' Mild poppycock, either.

Last night I polished off a Don Pepin Garcia Robusto, full flavored with just enough continuity to pepper a brisk winter evening. It paired surprisingly well with some catnip-based herbal tea I was sipping on.

I would love to get into cigars to pair with some scotch but I have no idea where to start. Recommendations for somebody that knows nothing about the subject?
Part of my gift was two of these (you can see them in the original shot).

I had the Gordo the other evening while I was reading A Clash of Kings. It's a $12 cigar, so I'll hold off on the torpedo for a while.
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I ain't smoked one of them in awhile, they go great with Corona. Cigar shops are kinda funny but cool places to browse around in especially when the guy at the counter looks 12 and is smoking one and blowing it in your face while he's handing you change. Some of these prices for individual aged cigars or whatever can get pretty crazy but hey will people pay them.
Got myself a sampler of Felipe Origins Churchills.

The 53-82 isn't included, so it's just a 6-pack, but the 203 (Connecticut Gold) is by and large the best of class. Pulls nice and easy, and the mild flavor is pretty much right on the money.
I usually go with Acid, I love their torpedo Blondie and Kuba Kuba. Although I gotta admit that here and there I'll splurge on something new and expensive. This can, of course, backfire.... I don't remember what it was because the man and I have been hermits since first snowfall, but I got a single cigar costing like 20 bucks and it literally tasted like dog shit. Very literally.

I highly suggest looking into local hang-outs for any enthusiast. We go to this excellent outlet nearby with a huge humidor, classy atmosphere and small bar. There's a guy who plays flamenco in there on weekends and they're open till 2am, perfect way to enjoy a nice smoke.
I agree, that's definitely a good starting point, especially if you don't have a friend who can introduce you to the pastime. The tricky thing about finding a good cigar bar, however, is that the pricing model for those places relies on drinks for the better part of its revenue. So you want to find a spot that won't charge you an arm and a leg for a couple fingers of scotch to enjoy with your robusto.

It's hard to go wrong with Acid, or CAO. The flavored cigars have always struck me as just a little inauthentic when someone is smoking them exclusively. I'd say you're better off paying attention to reviews and buying samplers until you find a few things you really like, then shelling out the big bucks for special occasions.
Another thing about that bar I go to, they're pretty sexist in there. I gotta assume it just comes with the territory. So if you're a chick looking to get into the hobby, sorry, but chances are you'll have a better time with a guy. There was a lone female one time we went in and all the regulars were heckling her.

But yeah I should just do that Eligos. I have a friend who's far more into it than I am, subscribes to multiple magazines and always offering me his savings. But my smoking is usually done spur of the moment. I don't have a cigar collection or anything, I just buy singles when I feel like it.
Fun story, I used to work inventory at a cigar warehouse. There were some rather foreign looking cigars that I paid no mind to... a few years after I quit, the place got shut down for selling cubans and tax issues. Kick myself every day for not snatching a few, I had my suspicions they might've been too.
Holy fucking fuck. Had one of these Signature Collection 2004 Vintage Sun-Grown Robustos tonight:

It was stupendous. Medium-bodied, medium pull. Had it with a Great Divide Hades Belgian-style and smoked it to the last half inch. So delectible. And I have 2 more :D
Got some nice dark wrapping on there, what's the strongest notes?

I haven't enjoyed a cigar in too long, I think I'm gonna splurge on something pricey this weekend. Enjoy Valentines Day the proper way, even if a day late, with some of my bf's home-brewed Irish Stout and an expensive cigar :) I just need to learn to make them myself and we'll be the power couple of badassery.
Just had a long, hot and steamy bubble bath while smoking the always-delicious Moontrance by CAO. What an incredible combination! Milk and honey bubbles, with a midnight dessert of decadent, summery flavors, a harsh vanilla with a softening peach, permeating my lungs and the air all around me.

It was worth writing poetry over. I could run a marathon.