
Interesting... maybe give that a try in the next few days depending on price. My cigar smoking has increased in the last week or two since I decided to drop cigarettes, so expect my own thoughts shortly :lol:

I am shamelessly enjoying a Black and Mild wood-tipped jazz right now. I've always enjoyed Black and Mild products in a pinch, good for a cheap yet enjoyable smoke. And this Jazz is pretty fuckin tasty, in a burnt soap kind of way. Very floral fruity, I dig it. Plus you can't beat gnawing on a piece of flavored wood as you smoke.
So since Nephy's been talkin about taking up the hobby, I thought I'd take a moment to illustrate what a poorly burning, high-quality cigar looks like. My butane torch has gone missing, so I've been using the kerosene lighter my girlfriend left at my house to light my cigars, and this results in a very inconsistent burn 9 times out of 10, which affects the flavor of the cigar and how long it takes to smoke. This was still a stellar cigar, but some of the ashes fell onto my lap during the smoke (something that should rarely happen with long-leaf tobacco)

If you take a look, you'll notice that the tobacco (parallel to the green line) and wrapper (parallel to the indigo) are burning at different rates, this time around with the tobacco burning slower. This can be mended pretty quickly with a very intense, hot, focused flame like the blue flame emitted from a butane torch, but it's very difficult with conventional lighters. Another, much worse result of using a conventional lighter is that the tobacco can sometimes burn in a very thin line down the middle of the cigar, resulting in a very focused, intense, quickly eroding pull on the flame.

This is also why we make sure to keep our cigars hydrated, and are careful with the brand stickers (making sure that removing them does not strip any of the wrapper off).

Oh and if anyone is curious, this was an Arganese Connecticut Churchill with strong notes of cream. Paired beautifully with a cup of French Roast and a game of Animal Crossing.
I don't know jack about cigars, but I'm going to start doing some research on them and try some more out. There's a cigar shop down the road from my place.

This past Saturday my friend celebrated his 10 year wedding anniversary so he bought some cigars for all the guys. Talk about a night of fail ffs.

The cigars themselves were quite nice, which prompted me to take steps to get into them. The problem was the prep and smoking of the cigars that really, just, pissed me off to be honest.

Something that drives me nuts is when novices do something new like, in this instance, buy cigars because they think it'll be "cool" or whatever.

Long story short, my friend bought some cigars that were $5 a piece. Nothing against the price range there I just couldn't recognize the brand from the small sticker so I have nothing to go on as far as its origin. Like a genius, he didn't realize we'd need a cigar cutter. So to slice the end of the cigars he was using a kitchen knife and butchering the fuck out of them. He fucked mine up so bad that the wrapper was just falling apart. I did a quite mend to it the best I could (I've rolled a few in my day ifyouknowwhatimsayinbrah). Anyway, so after the gruesome destruction of many o' good cigars, we finally go out back to his porch and begin to light them up. This is where I almost lost it and wanted to just leave. They had a fucking blowtorch, I shit you not, and were going to town on these mothas. No slow warming of the cigar, no even lighting of, nothing. Just straight up scorched-earth motherfucker on those bitches. And to make it worse, they thought it was totally how you light cigars and I wanted to strangle them.

Ugh. Anyway, after an hour of spitting tobacco from my hacked up cigar and obnoxious overkill of the blowtorch I just let it die out in the ashtray while we played cards, annoyed and ready to go home.

Anyway, on a positive note, when I did have the cigar properly lit and didn't have a fuckton of tobacco in my mouth, the smoke was rather pleasant, much to my surprise. So, when I buy one I'll post some info brehs.
I don't smoke cigars usually, but I roll and smoke pipe tabacco. I buy a 16 oz bag of it and it lasts me awile. It is to expensive to buy a pack of smokes a day. I know others that do the samething.
Man I haven't had a cigar in like a year. Might try to do that this weekend, make a big thing out of it.

Eligos, any recs for something that would go well with an extra pickly extra spicy bloody Mary? My usuals are a bit fruity.
Man I haven't had a cigar in like a year. Might try to do that this weekend, make a big thing out of it.

Eligos, any recs for something that would go well with an extra pickly extra spicy bloody Mary? My usuals are a bit fruity.

I know my reply is past the weekend you were targeting, but when it comes to spicy stuff, I usually go with a Connecticut for pairing with more flavorful drinks (stronger cigars are at their best with a good whiskey).

Anything by Rocky Patel is worth the dime, and Punch makes high quality stuff as well that never disappoints.

What a fucking asshat. I've had some friends MacGyver a decent cut with a really sharp blade, but a kitchen knife... God, that would rustle my jimmies.

Let us know what you find, b.
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stocked up!
Offer is much appreciated, but I'm an ex cigarette smoker and cigars might trigger a relapse.
Heh, im also an ex cigarette smoker(almost 10 years now). Would never touch those nasty things again. I think smoking shitty dunhill internationals for a while was what made me quit. i was literally disgusted of cigarettes towards the end.

Started smoking cigars just a few years back. Totally different imo. I dont think cigars will necessarily drive someone back to ciggs. But they are nicotine bombs ... and i learned that the hard way. The first cigar i ever purcahsed was some super full-bodied stick from H. Upmann. I was literally green for the next few hours. Nic overdoses are fucking horrible.
Smoked my first cigar about a half hour ago, think I might have gotten a nicotine overdose from accidentally inhaling a few times but for the most part it was quite enjoyable. Will definitely smoke more in the future.